
October 18th , 2024


Shadi Parker

2 years ago


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2 years ago


Zongo Chiefs, Imams and youth pioneers have promised to work together with the police to forestall viciousness and battle wrongdoing in their individual networks.


They noticed that it was uniquely through local area association that rough conflicts among gatherings and other related wrongdoings could be turned away.


They made the vow at a limit building gathering on struggle anticipation and the board for Chiefs, Imams, ladies and youth pioneers coordinated by the Zongo Development Fund (ZoDF) in Accra last Thursday.


It had the topic: "Harmony and Security in Zongo Communities - Changing the Narrative".


Themes talked about at the meeting were "Harmony Building and Management", "Wrongdoing Prevention and Community Involvement", "Brutality in Zongo Communities - Stereotyping or Reality? Suggestions thereof", and "Islamic Perspective of Peace Building".


The Chiefs, ladies and youth pioneers noticed that a portion of the violations were being executed by untouchables, consequently the requirement for a deliberate work to uncover the crooks.


They communicated stress that the picture of Zongos was being discolored in view of the brutal exercises of the young.


In a feature address read for his benefit by the Coordinator of the Zongo and Inner-City Development Secretariat, Ben Abdallah Banda, Vice President Dr Mahamudu Bawumia, said while the essential obligation of government was peacebuilding and supporting harmony, bosses, Imams, magiyas and youth pioneers were additionally expected to accomplish other things to fabricate quiet and strong social orders.


He said numerous nations were seeing more brutal contentions now more than any time in recent memory.


"Records quantities of regular citizens are being killed or harmed by explosives. Records quantities of individuals are progressing dislodged by viciousness, war and oppression.


"Awful infringement of basic liberties and central opportunities, rising patriotism and xenophobia are pervasive", he said.


Thusly, Dr Bawumia said, any savage propensities in Zongos, economically depressed areas and different networks should have been deterred.


Dr Bawumia avowed the public authority's purpose towards executing undertakings to work on the financial states of individuals.


In his location, the Chief Executive Officer of Zongo Development Fund (ZoDF), Dr Arafat Sulemana Abdulai, said the Fund joined an incredible significance to the issue of safety in Zongos.


For example, he said, the ZoDF had introduced large number of streetlamps in Zongo people group to further develop perceivability and avoid lawbreakers.


Dr Arafat said the harmony building gathering was likewise an endeavor to prepare the partners in Zongos to keep up with harmony and battle wrongdoing.


He expressed beside the various undertakings executed by ZoDF in Zongo people group, it had given individuals of Zongo a feeling of personality.


As far as concerns him, the Accra Regional Commander, Deputy Commissioner of Police, Iddi Seidu, communicated stress at the expanded exchange and utilization of opiate substances and betting in Zongos.


He said the Holy Qur'an had denounced the admission of opiate substances and betting, henceforth the requirement for Muslim pioneers to help endeavors at battling the ulcer in their particular territories.

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Shadi Parker

Content writer

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