
May 17th , 2024


kwame linux

2 years ago


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Concerning Vodafone Digi Learning.‼️

With a Vodafone sim, you can subscribe with Ghc10. But don't rush into judgement, hear this first.

When you subscribe with 10ghc, you are given 20Gb to use for certain educational sites only.

To subscribe, it's *700#, select option 1, then option 10

After tthat go through the options till you find the one for Digi learn then subscribe.

We will now download edoztunnel from google playstore which we will use to tweak the Digi bundle for other sites like youtube, facebook, instagram etc. Link bellow


Now After buying your Vodafone Digi Learn Subscription, turn on your internet data.

Sometimes you will require 10p pay as you go service to keep your data on, other times you can buy a 50p non expiry bundle to get your data to turn on.

The goal is, once you turn your data successfully, you are to now start the Edoztunnel app with Voda Digi learn tweak imported on it. 

Once you do that, your normal data won't even be deducted. And you get to enjoy your 20Gb.

Also to get your data on, you can allow pay as you go, but once your data signal come, deactivate the pay as you go so that your credit wont be consumed , and your data signal will still be on.

Pay As You Go *700*7#, it uses your credit to turn your data signal on. 

Tips on how to get the Vodafone signal always on, just buy 10ps vodafone airtime and dial *700# and select pay as you go (PAYG). So the signal will always be on even when you don't have data. And with Edoztunnel settings, the 10ps pay as you go (PAYG) won't be touch. Just to let data signal turn on.

You can join this channel on telegram to learn more or how to configure the settings.






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kwame linux

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