
May 18th , 2024



2 years ago


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Life upgrade through acceptance of body hair


Body hair is one of the taboos that many prefer not to talk about. Rather, they may try to obsessively remove it using various procedures to make their appearance less visible. In all of this, they sometimes do not realize how much physical and mental effort goes into following these exacting standards.


The sweat glands enable us release our pheromones, while the hairs on our body help us to distribute our scent. Research shows that our natural body scent plays a significant role in attracting the people around us.


In fact, the underarm hair helps to trap this musk, which makes the effect of the pheromones more stronger.


You Can Free Yourself of Pain

Hair removal procedures, such as shaving, waxing, or sugaring, can lead to pain, irritation, and red swelling, especially in people with sensitive skin. But most women continue to do so, convincing themselves that this is normal and acceptable, no matter how much physical discomfort they feel about it.


Sometimes it is good to stop for a moment and let your body rest for its own well-being and health.


I progressively stopped. I have very sensitive skin and for years I have tried different hair removal techniques and have dealt with the ingrown hairs, rashes and cystic bumps that occured. The armpits were especially bad, so I stopped shaving them. A few years ago I was about to shave my legs and thought, “Who am I doing this for?” And I could not for the life of me think of a satisfactory answer to that question. Still can’t. Still hairy.

My armpits were always super sore after shaving so I stopped. I still shave my lower legs because the hair is so dark and thick, but it’s barely noticeable on my thighs so I let it grow. They said. 


It Can Make You Feel Physically good


Body hair is crucial to protect the skin and reflect sunlight. It also plays a role in regulating body temperature. Air is trapped between the hair and the skin, creating a layer that assists to insulate the skin from heat loss

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