
March 3rd , 2025



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Take a minute and think about some of the most successful people you know.

To be a step ahead, take advantage of business literature. It conveys entrepreneurs’ experience, mistakes, and biggest achievements. And no need to look for them by yourself. We’ve prepared a list of great reads for you to have at leisure

1. Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki 

Business Book Summary: Rich Dad Poor Dad is a popular personal finance book. The book often taught in colleges tells the story of Robert T Kiyosaki’s two fathers: one rich, one poor. The poor dad was his biological father while the rich dad was a friend’s father who acted as his mentor. He shares financial lessons he learned from his rich dad often dispelling common myths in the process.

Why check out this business book: When it comes to business books about financial literacy, Rich Dad Poor Dad is considered one of the best. With over 26 million copies sold, celebrities like Oprah, Will Smith, Donald Trump, and Daymond John have publicly praised the book. This book is great for those who are starting out who want to get into the mindset of an entrepreneur. One of the book’s memorable quotes is, “Workers work hard enough to not be fired, and owners pay just enough so that workers won’t quit.” If you read this while still holding a 9 to 5 job, you might feel slightly more motivated to venture out on your own. The book has received some criticism for its factual inaccuracies, so it’s important to take what you read with a grain of salt. When reading it, use it as inspiration to move forward in your business.

2. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

 Dale Carnegie’s best-selling book that helped to launch a personal growth empire should be required reading for everyone who wants to learn how to build and nurture relationships for a lifetime.

Read this book and you’ll learn some simple advice than can help you build popularity points within your current network and just as important, expand it to others.

3. Profit First: A Simple System to Transform Any Business from a Cash-Eating Monster to a Money-Making Machine (2014) by Mike Michalowicz

Profitable business owners are sometimes surprised to find money leaves the business almost as quickly as it arrives. This book provides a system for small business owners who want to take charge of their cash and grow a business.

I interviewed Michalowicz in 2019. He told me, “I say, ‘How do I get the same results I've always had, if not better, with less money?’ And I start thinking outside the box.”

4.Deep work by Cal Newport

Since 2007, Newport has started a blog about how to study and work productively under constant distraction of social media and messengers. Eventually, he’s come up with a concept of deep work describing the techniques for high performance. 

In the book, Newport teaches how to perform at full capacity, whether it’s studies or work. Some of the techniques are to get up earlier and interval work. This work is a must for those who want to achieve a competitive advantage through extreme productivity.

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Kingsley Afreh


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