
October 18th , 2024


Akwasi Bugati

2 years ago


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2 years ago

Solidarity Message to the NPP in Weija-Gbawe on the Occasion of their Constituency Conference.


As the New Patriotic Party, NPP goes to the poll to elect its Constituency Executives for Weija-Gbawe today, I bring to them all the best wishes and ask the delegates to vote for candidates who have shown mental fortitude in Strategy, Skills, Experience, Decision making, Team Adaptation, Concern for the Ordinary and above all, God Fearing. The days of political violence which has over the years characterised the party through the use of hoodlums, land guards, intimidations and unfair means (electoral manipulations), etc to attain electoral victories are long gone. 


Ghana is at a crossroads and needs urgent rescue from the bad leadership your party has provided since 2017 that you took governance through foul means. Weija-Gbawe is no exception to this bad leadership. We have not had any better representation in the August House of Ghana's Parliament since the year 2000 to date. Most of our streetlights do not functioning yet people are being billed for them, the Municipal Office Project the NDC bequeathed to you for eight (8) solid years has not been completed and the entrances to the Assembly have become like desolate areas. Just as it is happening on the national front, it is the same here. The good people of Ghana and Weija-Gbawe deserve better than you have offered all these years. 


It is undoubtedly clear that your party have never matched the intellect, strategy aptness, and superior offerings both on the National front and local levels in terms of the policies and candidates we present for servant leadership. Looking through the candidate lists, I see no difference however, we in the NDC are looking forward to seeing Executives after your conference, who are more concerned with ideas, dialogue, consensus building, peaceful coexistence and the use of nonviolent means in our political discourse. 


I wish all the candidates well and congratulate them on the boldness they have exhibited by picking forms and filing the same to contest in this conference. It is our collective hope that the best will win so that we can serve the good people of Weija-Gbawe with our best in terms of our political offerings in leadership. 


I urge you to vote for Youthful candidates as the old men and women in leadership have woefully disappointed us, a locus classicus we see in the President and some of his appointees. It is time for the youth and we dare not disappoint. 


_Kukrudu - Eeshi | Eeshi - Rado Rado_


Thank you


Lawrence R. A. A

Communication Officer

National Democratic Congress, NDC

Weija-Gbawe Constituency

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Akwasi Bugati

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