
March 9th , 2025


Richard Nimoh

2 years ago


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Before knowing the few tricks you can implement to better your customer conversion rate, you need to understand what a good sales conversion rate is. As surveying experts said, any percent, less than 10% is a good sales conversion rate.


With the average conversion rate across several industries being 2.5%, 10% is not too bad. Nevertheless, how you calculate this number also plays a significant role here. The easiest way is to take the number of sales you make and divide it by the total number of visitors you have.


Once you get a result, multiply it by 100, and you will get a percentage. These are some of the main tricks you can ensure to increase the conversion rate of your company.


Use The Right Leads:

As is common knowledge in the community, good-quality leads are much more important than the number of leads you have. You should make sure to amplify the number of quality leads that are more likely to convert instead of focusing on gaining a higher number of ineffective leads. From the marketing perspective, you should be interested in driving more traffic or leads.


Having fewer leads is often a success, especially if they are the right ones. So you should consult your intent data providers and work to identify the factors that people base their buying decisions on. This will further help you develop marketing campaigns that specifically hit the right places and improve your conversion rate.


Inform And Move On:

The most common business owners stick to inactive users and waste resources trying to turn them into active ones. After a few months of any movement, you should notify the customer that you think they are not interested in your service and that you are moving on.


More than a sales tactic, this is a courtesy move. In addition to that, it allows your company to stop filling their mailboxes or even put much effort somewhere where it is not working. Such a simple move can allow you to put at least 70% of your prospects back on the move and allow them to know about your service. Such messages often generate some interest amongst consumers and will help you get better traffic.


Change Your Call To Action:

One of the main reasons why your company might have a poor conversion rate is because of the call-to-action phrases you use. Surveys have shown that CTA plays a very important role in boosting sales conversation rates.


While you might not always get it right on the first try, you should be scared to change or modify the existing CTAs. This will eventually allow you to find one that works wonders for your brand and allows you to make the most of your efforts.


These are a few points that can help you boost your sales conversion rates significantly. Rest assured, you will not only build brand awareness but also profit much better with higher conversion rates.

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Richard Nimoh

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