
March 3rd , 2025



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Remember that every woman is unique. What works for one person may not work for another. However, this list provides insight into the things that most women find appealing. Sexually, psychologically, emotionally, or in any other manner.


1. That masculine, musky fragrance


Smelling this familiar aroma on our partner instantly turns us hot. However, it does not have to be this specific perfume. As you greet yourself, the aroma of your mouthwash or aftershave may drift towards us. As long as you smell like you know what you're doing with your hygiene, you're an immediate turn-on.


2. A blinding grin


Love, they say, is blind. Then, having a dazzling grin is a definite technique to fool your girlfriend into falling in love with you.


You don't have to have beautiful teeth to win the hearts of women; just a grin or two would suffice. Keep your teeth clean and your breath fresh, and your smile will last a long time.




3. Put on your suit!


Something is appealing about a man who can wear a great suit. It does not, however, have to be a suit. A man who can look dashing in a t-shirt and shorts is equally as appealing as a man in a suit. The key is to know how to dress appropriately for the occasion.


4. A seductive accent


Nobody can stand up to a man with a foreign accent, whether it's French, Scottish, or the good ol' Southern drawl. An accent has an allure and uniqueness that makes most ladies hot under the collar.


5. A bibliophile


Something about males who read books piques the interest of women. Some women prefer men who read books rather than reading gadgets, while others are less picky. As long as you're reading, you'll attract ladies who like their guys to be intelligent.



6. Enthusiasm


Men who have flames in their bellies have a yearning for something good *and we don't mean drinking whiskey*. Women will see you as enthusiastic about the minor things if you are passionate about the big things. Nothing beats a guy who helps at a soup kitchen or teaches local youngsters how to toss a ball on weekends.


7. Talent Women, like birds, are turned on when they witness their partner doing a dance routine or singing a song.


You may not be a football or basketball great, but if you can play an outstanding riff on an electric guitar or hit the drums, ladies will queue up to meet you.


8. A good sense of humor


Nothing turns an otherwise ordinary guy into the man of her dreams like a few belly laughs. It may be something you did, a joke you said, or a witty anecdote that made a lady smile. You're halfway to her heart and in her trousers, if her cheeks are flushed with laughter and her eyes are gleaming with amusement.




9. Accolades


Make her happy by recognizing or complimenting her. Make sure to grin and wink at her—she'll love it. Whatever compliment you offer, as long as it's sincere and from the heart, she'll enjoy it! Tell her she looks well today, compliments her dress, or, even better, commend her ambitions and desire.


10. Sincere dialogue


Women like males who can have meaningful talks that aren't only about getting them in the sack. Find out what she enjoys, and what you have in common, and communicate with her honestly. This is a huge turn-on for females since it makes her feel recognized and listened rather than simply taking her straight to the bedroom. There's no urgency to get her on, so why not chat about your interests? You never know, you could discover something in common!


11. Being heard


Women prefer to feel important, so while you're together, you give her your whole attention. Pay attention to what she says and be honest about it. No woman wants to be in the bedroom with you if she can't understand a word she says.


Even if she does get physically intimate with you, it will not be as sincere *would you want that?* Practice attentive listening since it is one of the most important turn-ons for ladies.



12. Exercise together


Working out together is a huge turn-on for females that is frequently ignored. Exercise with your lover takes things to the next level without being sexual.


This also provides her a fantastic glimpse of your body, and she links you favorably with feel-good endorphins from the exercise. Women like constructive hobbies, therefore doing this jointly is incredibly satisfying for her.


13 experimenting with her hair


Touch her hair if you want something tactile yet unassumingly benign. Brush a wayward strand behind her ear or even pretend you're removing something from her hair.


Do you know how in movies a guy constantly brushes her hair in a romantic scene? Because it's a non-sexual turn-on, she feels valued.


14. Chivalry Prove to her that chivalry is alive and well and that you are a shining example. Make her comfort, safety, and security your first concern while you're together or away. You can't offer her gallantry and respect just because you want to sleep with her. Show her what sets you apart from the other men she's slept with — that's how you get her attention.




15. Light, innocent touches


Touching may affect a girl's physical, emotional, and mental components when we're talking about non-sexual turn-ons for females. It may both make her feel appreciated and get her aroused, especially if her love language is physical contact.


Follow these suggestions on what turns a female on to be a terrific guy who can turn on any woman no matter where he is, in bed or on the streets, and you'll undoubtedly create an effect on her and make her want you in no time.

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Andrengo Kenneth

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