
October 18th , 2024


My News Blog

2 years ago


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The Public Utilities Regulatory Commission (PURC) is supposed to report new utility taxes by July 1, 2022, after the Ghana Water Company Limited and the Electricity Company of Ghana offered a proposition for an increase.

As indicated by the Acting Director, Research and Corporate Affairs at PURC, the Commission has been questioning the organizations since getting the recommendations to learn their requirement for a tax increase.

Talking on Newsfile on Saturday, that's what dr Eric Obutey expressed "for the present we are tied in with completing the partner counsels. Before long, we will meet with the Parliamentary Select Committee on Mines and Energy and we will meet with the TUC too."


Besides these substances, the PURC, Dr Obutey added, will likewise have a meeting where the overall population would be urged to voice their interests in the augmentations that ECG and GWCL are proposing.

"The Commission is taking a gander at the first of July to think of change in duties. So between now and the centre of June we will have these partner commitments and formal proceedings and we will do all the calculating and concoct a levy," Dr Obutey said.


The Electricity Company of Ghana is requesting a 148% expansion in duty.

A proposition from the power merchant, submitted to the Public Utilities Regulatory Commission (PURC), needs the acclimation to cover the period 2019 and 2022.

It additionally proposed a normal increment of 7.6% in levy over the following four years to cover Distribution Service Charges (DSC).

On its part, the Ghana Water Company Limited is requesting a 334% expansion in tax.


The GWCL in its proposition said throughout the long term, the endorsed levies have not been completely cost-intelligent.

These recommendations have produced far and wide discussion, with numerous Ghanaians communicating their dissatisfaction about the same.

Following the worries raised, GWCL expressed that should the overall population won't uphold the organization's drive to get clients to pay practical duties it might need to stop activities later on.

As per the Communications Manager, Stanley Martey, the organization can never again keep on battling to remain above water utilizing the small income it creates, henceforth the requirement for higher duties.


He said on JoyNews' PM Express that the failure of the organization to produce sufficient income from the low duties it charges has generally added to the shortcomings it encounters right now despite a few inside intercessions to increment income ages.

In the interim, Policy Analyst, Bright Simons, has portrayed as unsound, the requests being made by managed service organizations for climbs in their levies.

As per him, their requests are much the same as the service organizations "triumphing ultimately" to the detriment of Ghanaians.

Additionally talking on Newsfile on Saturday, he approached the PURC to play a functioning job in evaluating the suitability of their incorporated asset plans.


"They can't legitimize the requests that they're making, and we accept the PURC has each premise to start dynamic guideline," he said.

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