
May 12th , 2024



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Fat Loss of extreme workout


Since most weight loss workouts consume ample time in bringing effective results,Guest Posting we decided to introduce a workout plan that not only brings results instantly but also works magic on you. So, we have built a 3-day workout plan that you can perform on non-consecutive days. The best part about following this workout is that you get to fee liberal by deciding on which days you want to work out. 


 Make sure that once you finish each fat loss extreme workout, you take at least 30 to 60 seconds rest. If you follow the instructions for this full-day weight loss carefully, you will lose weight without a hassle-free experience. So, why not? 


Fat loss extreme workout- 3-day workout plan

Day 1:


Exercise Set Rep


Pull up 3 8


Push up 3 10


Bodyweight squat 3 10


Dip 3 10


Chin up 3 8


Bodyweight Rear lunge 3 15 each


Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3 8


Dumbbell row 3 8


Dumbbell Stiff leg Deadlift 3 8


Plank 3 45 secs


Day 2:


Exercise Set Regs


Barbell Good Morning 4 8


Barbell Lunge 4 8


Barbell Squat 4 8


Barbell push press 4 8


Dumbbell Bench Press 3 10


Dumbbell Row 3 10


Dumbbell Shrug 3 10


Machine Ab Crunch 5 12


Day 3:


Exercise Set Regs


Pull up 3 6


Dip 3 6


Chin up 3 6


Push up 3 10


Dumbbell Goblet Squat 4 8


Dumbbell Shoulder press 4 8


Dumbbell RDL 4 8


Dumbbell Glute Bridge 4 8


Hanging Leg Raise 3 12


Fat Loss extreme tips

Sleep tight- Sleep is very important for good health. In many ways, sleep also contributes to your overall weight loss. At least 7 to 9 hours of sleep is recommended on an average basis for all individuals. As it helps relax your body and mind altogether, sleep is crucial amidst all other fat loss extreme tips. 

Maintain a good bed routine- A good bed routine is another important fat loss extreme tipthat you must follow to lose weight properly. Since this helps in relaxing the body and prepares your mind for the daily tasks, it is highly recommended. Here’s what you need to do to create a good bed routine:

Don’t use your phone before at least 30mins to 1 hour of your sleeping time. 

Make sure you wear your blue light blockers early during bedtime. 

Read a positive book that inspires you to have a sound sleep and wake up to a fresh start next morning. 

Turn out the light and open the windows for fresh air during the night time. 

You can also take a relaxing shower for 30 to 60 mins which is great for a good night’s sleep. 

Avoid drinking a lot of water as this can disrupt your sleep and make you jump off your bed to take a piss every hour. This is one of the most crucial fat loss extreme tips.


Fat loss extreme diet plan

We have given you a list of fat loss extreme tips and workout ideas but without a strict diet plan, all of that may be rendered in vain. A strict diet plan not only helps the body to improve its health but also burn fat instantly. 

Meet the Author

Richard Nimoh

Content writer

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