
March 9th , 2025



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2 years ago



I was dazzled by this piece of information report where Attorney-General Godfred Yeboah Dame was broadly blamed by the Member for Parliament for the National Democratic Congress in South-Dayi Province, Volta Region, of accusing chosen authorities of the nation over. The court is famous for not recording any minor cases brought before it, and such time-squandering was a purposeless course for individual and monetary resources of the country (See AG Public Comment Disgraceful Judge - Dafeamekpor " 4/22/22). I'm following Mr Rockson-Nelson Dafeamekpor's reaction to being positive because the factual powers of the Supreme Court of Ghana (SCOG) are frequently contrasted with those in the United States Supreme Court by showing that in a country as little as Ghana, we have an unreasonable number of judges sitting on the Supreme Bench.

Since this selection, I have had no choice except to put a full number of judges on the Supreme Court, albeit a speedy Google search showed that the most secured and legitimately anticipated position to have a Chief Justice is more than nine. Solidifying the Supreme Court Judges, they will acknowledge a limit of 10 adjudicators on the Supreme Bench, multiple times higher than in the United States of America. I likewise referenced around 11 Judges in the Supreme Court of Ghana in the new past, even though I have heard and, shockingly, realized somewhere else that there is no restriction or highlight on the quantity of qualified or confirmed judges. sit in the Supreme Court of Ghana. Nonetheless, we have additionally discovered that it takes somewhere around 5 adjudicators to unite a fair larger part or board to intervene in any significant case brought before the SCOG.

Taking everything into account, we ought to likewise promptly feature an alternate way to deal with Ghana, the United States going about as the Federal Judicial System in which the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) is impacted. Then there are the Supreme Courts of the State in each of the 50 Union cases. Ghana, as well, works on an essential lawful system. What's more, that intends that, as a matter of fact, as opposed to what a couple of Ghanaian researchers, nearby and unfamiliar nationals, the vast majority of us might want to acknowledge, the Supreme Court of Ghana isn't enlarged in any capacity. Undoubtedly, it presumably has a seriously little staff. As of now, we likewise note that the United States Supreme Court, that is to say, the most outstanding court of the Federation, hears under 1% of all cases brought before it in any lawful cycle, I think, isn't the same thing. every one of the steps by step.

A few unsure cases are alluded back to the different degrees of government and close by lawful foundations for goal or goal. By these lines, overall terms, the Supreme Court of Ghana might be very unique about SCOTUS, or at least, the United States Supreme Court. Notwithstanding, it could be exorbitantly broadened and underscored as dependable or reached out quite far, which is an obvious sign with regards to why Attorney-General Yeboah-Dame will condemn SCOG's decision for eliminating a lot of cases. under the protection of the Court which might be very careless in approving the utilization of the exceptionally limited however the profoundly remunerated time of people from the SCOG where such cases might be more judicious and sensible and all the more exorbitant to keep up with or resolve by the lower courts in the Greater-Accra Region and 15 unique of the world.

Right now, I am not by any stretch astounded that a Member of Parliament in light of the National Democratic Congress of the South-Dayi Region could gripe such a great amount about the advance notice of Attorney-General Yeboah-Dame and the unforgiving treatment of judges in the Supreme Court of Ghana. I'm not the slightest bit shocked when I consider the way that this involves regulations equivalent to the resistance councils known for playing with unique craftsmanship in Ghana, without asking for reasoning or the philosophical gathering establishment. Nonetheless, they all rely upon the number and volume of cases under the watchful eye of the Supreme Court inside any legitimate cycle or period, notwithstanding, one is leaned to acknowledge that the Attorney-General Yeboah-Dame has undeniably obvious or exact data about the progression of such cases. than Mr Dafeamekpor could perceive.

"It is legitimately vital," whatever is said in the last political race articulation or expression, as Mr Dafeamekpor certified on his Twitter page so that the Supreme Court might be able to hear all cases brought before it. I believe it's "lawfully significant," the South-Dye NDC-MP signifies "legitimate responsibility." He might be at an extremely low level here because Ghanaian High Court Judges are normally qualified to endlessly choose which of the cases to be brought under the careful focus of the court ought to be heard or settled and as quickly as time permits or none by any means, standing or hindering any. Mr Dafeamekpor is additionally an expert attorney, but this isn't ensured to imply that he knows about the general set of laws of the legitimate interaction or that all potential changes in independent direction concerning how such cases are taken care of. to be settled and, comparatively, any cases which are quickly let out of the chambers or alluded to the lower courts for goal.

Furthermore, I am not happy with which South-Dayi NDC-MP graduate school has joined and, thusly, the situation with his group at the hour of his graduation. What is obvious to me, anyway, is that Mr Dafeamekpor might be incredibly timid and difficult to benefit from and be regarded expertly.

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