
May 18th , 2024



2 years ago


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This piece caught my mind, please read through you could  be caught as well.



In the market you will come across a poor woman with a baby at her back, you lower your car window and with a rough and a commanding voice, you asked her:


"How much are you selling those onions and bananas?


The poor seller politely and happily ( with the mindset of you buying her items) replies, 

"GHC40 for a bunch of bananas and GHC50 for a pack of onions."


 With pride you demand the bunch of bananas at just a meager GHC15 and the the pack of onions at GHC30 or else you threaten to leave.


The poor seller resigns to fate and replies with a smile, "take them at the price you want. I have not made any sales for today, at least I have something for supper now."


She has made a loss but she goes further to buy a plastic bag for you to pack the two items you have just bought.


 You order her to hurry up otherwise you may change your mind. She apologises and with a smile, she presents you the items and she blesses you for patronizing her.


You literally throw the money at her and you sped away leaving behind a cloud of smoke and dust which causes a bit of discomfort to her and the baby at the back. She is coughing while securing her little money. Her poverty has left her with no other option.


You have now arrived at the 5-star restaurant where you are to meet friends and you ask them to order food and drinks of their choice. You tell them not to worry at all in ordering whatever they desire, that you will bear all cost. You intentionally and literally have just forgotten the situation you put that poor woman and her baby in.

Anticipate part two of this piece. Thank you for reading.

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