
October 18th , 2024


Richard Nimoh

2 years ago


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We live in a world where good reliable help is few and far between. Many are self opiniated and selfish and often seem to be self driven to the point that their primary focus is 'me, me & me'.

I am very giving by nature however there is a limit like everything else. Free is not always good. Many ' good Samaritans ' often do so (give) with an alternative motive. Of course I am no different. The concept that one hand wash the other and they both wash the face is true. Unfortunately, I don't ask for much!


We are in an environment that encourage values that seem unbecoming. Values that are not only negative but undesirable as well. There is a lack of common decency. Morals and things that define you and your everyday behavior are on a steady decline.


We live in a world where giving has been replaced by taking. The two greatest Commandments given by Jesus have ' love ' as it's central theme. Speaking of which, Christmas is regarded by the entire world as the season for giving. I would go to the extreme without seeming like a hypocrite, to say that every day should be like Christmas.


The 2 greatest Commandments say 'Love the Lord God with all your mind, body and soul. The second is like the first. Love your fellow man as you love yourself '. Acting with such love and in the spirit of giving allows us to prosper ourselves and be resolute in doing the right thing.


Remember: What goes around, comes around!


As we are on a Biblical theme, God approached Cain and inquired about his brother Abel (in Genesis) to which he replied ' am I my brother's keeper? ' The answer to that question is a resounding YES! You ARE your brother's keeper.


United we stand, divided we fall. We preach unity.


Unity, unity, unity!


Enough about Biblical references. You get my drift.


With ' united we stand, divided we fall ' as a back drop I am more than pleased to share with you the link


To be successful with your business you need sales. Sales, sales, sales!


Sales are important. They are so important that I regard it as the most important thing that controls any business' success. Sales have a profound effect on you physiologically.


Do you remember the feeling you had when you made your first sale? You watch closely for your 2nd sale, your 3rd, your 4th and so on. The process becomes addictive.. You constantly looks for the fruits of your labor. Tracking your efforts has become the norm.


I am thrilled to be part of this process. I get great joy in knowing that I'm a part of your success. Click on the above link to begin the process and accept my free gift.


Look at this as the gift that keep on giving. You will see after you sign up.


This (success) can not only be achieved by persistence but by a little helping hand from a fellow marketer like myself. Please accept my gift of free traffic, free credits, free marketing advice and more. All given with no obligations or strings attached.


May you have the upmost success in your business. I look forward to meeting you again on the road to success.

Meet the Author

Richard Nimoh

Content writer

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