
October 18th , 2024


Richard Nimoh

2 years ago


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It is the aim of all email marketers to have a list full of people that read their emails and make a purchase when they present offers. This is unrealistic, but what you don’t want is a list full of tire kickers and freebie seekers. There is no way that you can totally control this of course but there are some things you can do to minimize getting the wrong kind of subscribers.

What are your Traffic sources?


Where your traffic comes from is a very important factor. Traffic that originates from a source that is cheap will rarely produce a list of buyers. Resist the temptation to use “safe lists” for traffic or a similar service where you have to subscribe to their list and then they will join yours. These people will never even read your emails let alone make a purchase.


You must ensure that your traffic is targeted. If your niche is making money online then traffic that originates from the Warrior Forum is likely to produce better subscribers because it is targeted. Don’t go to general forums to get your traffic – it won’t turn out well. Using Facebook ads is a good idea as you can really be specific about the demographics.


Although almost everyone is interested in making more money, traffic from unrelated websites is likely to lead to freebie seekers and tire kickers. They just want information. Warrior Forum members are genuinely interested about making money online so they are likely to be more responsive.


Use the Double Opt In Confirmation Facility


Another mistake that a lot of email marketers make is to immediately redirect a visitor to their lead magnet download page once they have opted in. You have no idea whether the email address used by the visitor is real or not so this is just giving away your lead magnet for free.


Yes you can lose a few opt ins with double opt in but you will end up with a better class of subscriber. If they are prepared to go to the trouble of confirming their interest then they are more likely to read your emails when you send them. If they can’t be bothered then you don’t want them anyway.


To increase the number of opt ins be sure to get people more excited about your lead magnet and your email newsletter after they have opted in. Direct them to a web page which will do this. Tell them that you offer a great deal of value with your lead magnet and your emails.


Be up front with your subscribers and tell them that you will send emails that contain offers sometimes. Measure your open rates and click rates all the time. Your autoresponder service will provide this information. Tell your subscribers that you are doing this and it will deter some tire kickers.


Track Activity and Clean your List


Take a close look at the subscriber activity in your list. If you have a number of subscribers that have not opened any of your emails for a while then it is best to get shot of them. There could be several reasons why a subscriber is not opening your emails:


• They don’t like your email content • They do not use the email address any more • They have forgotten who you are 

Meet the Author

Richard Nimoh

Content writer

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