
October 18th , 2024


Richard Nimoh

2 years ago


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It may not be the holiday season anymore (thank goodness, right?), but if you own a company and maintain a close relationship with your customers, you want to be sure you keep them happy all year long. You want them to know that you appreciate their business, which means you’re always mulling various business gift ideas. It’s your little way of saying, “Thanks for all that you do for us.”

Perhaps the trickiest part to giving a business gift is knowing what the gift should be. All you are doing is trying to give a token of appreciation. It really should not be this hard. Then again, have you ever received a gift from a client and thought, “Wow! You really shouldn’t have”? Truth be told, the best advice you can go with is this — keep it simple.


In order to keep things simple, here’s a little guide to follow when it comes to getting just the right business gifts for your customers:


Non-Perishable — You don't want to gift something that will go bad in someone else’s place of business. It’s not a good look, and it makes it seem as though you really didn’t think about little details like possible spoilage. Luckily, there are a lot of great options out there.


Make the Gift Useful or Practical — Getting someone a gift that’s actually something they need or can use can be a perfect gift. You don’t want to give them a gift they have to arrange to be recycled, re-gifted, or tossed out. The only difficulties lie in determining what the gift will be and how it can work for an office that has numerous employees.


Appeal To the Whole Office — If you know your customer well, why not make your gift a reflection of something they can all enjoy? Anytime you head to their office, look around and see what may be en vogue with employees. Are they big on snacks? Sodas or water? Even these little things at the right time mean a lot.


Gift Cards — Finding the right gift can be just too much, and even if you’ve narrowed down where you want the gift to come from, it’s still a tough call. A gift card may be exactly what the doctor prescribed. Just keep in mind that it can feel a little impersonal.


Truly Unique — There are more artisan food products becoming available daily that not only support local business in general, but they also are great for offices that make meals in-house, and if the office to whom the gift is going is small enough, may actually be perfect for their home culinary experiments. It’s very different, but it’s the kind of different that keeps your company top of mind all year.


Business gift ideas can really be just about anything you want them to be, but you want to be sure your gifts do more than seem mundane. Give them meaning by adding a personal touch to them and even try for something a little unique. Most of all, give them some thought, and don’t wait until the last-minute to throw something together.

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Richard Nimoh

Content writer

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