
January 11th , 2025


Richard Nimoh

2 years ago


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2 years ago

Remember, a successful interview should be more of a balanced dialogue than an “interrogation!” Take a look at these questions that you can ask the interviewer, and then come-up with more that will be specific to the position you’re interested in:


* Can you give me more detail about the position’s responsibilities? * Where do you see this position going in the next few years? * Is there anything off-limits in today’s conversation? If so, why? * What are two or three significant things that you would want me to accomplish in my first few months? * How much turnover has there been in this position over the past three to five years? Ten years? * What would you like done differently by the next person who fills this position? * How can I most quickly become a strong contributor within the organization? * How will my performance be evaluated, and at what time intervals? * What are the most challenging aspects of the job for which I am being considered? * How are loyalty and hard work rewarded here? * How would you define or describe your own management style? * What are the strengths and weaknesses of my prospective subordinates, as you see them? * With whom will I be interacting most frequently, and what are their responsibilities? What will be the nature of our interaction? * What would be the limits of my authority and responsibility? What would I have to get permission for, inform others about after the fact, or discuss prior to acting? * What particular things about my background and experience interest you? What makes you think I’ll be successful? * In this role, what authority would I have to act and what budget would be available to me for: (a) changes in staffing, promotion, salary increases; (b) use of consultants, purchasing software and hardware systems, capital for new projects and approaches; (c) changes within my area regarding policies, procedures, practices, performance and expectations? * How do you like your people to communicate with you? (orally, in writing, in meetings, by phone, voicemail, text, e-mail, informally, only when necessary?) * What are some of your longer-term objectives? * If I am offered this position, how could I make your job easier and more productive? * Why did you join this company? Why have you stayed? * How does my background measure-up to the requirements of the job? To the other candidates? * Could you take me on a brief tour of the building, including the area in which I would be working? * What do you really want to see as the outcome of hiring someone into this position? * If you could “wave a magic wand” and create the perfect candidate, how would he or she and I be different? What would we have in common? * What’s “on the front burner” with this position? What would I spend my first 30 days focused on? * What is going best for your company right now? How does this position / department tie into that? * What’s your dream for this organization? * In an ideal world, what would you like to see happen after hiring the right candidate? * What is the worst thing that has happened to the company in the past year? * Tell me a bit more about your own background and work history. * How do you define an ideal employee relationship? * Who do you consider your best employee on the team, and why? * What two or three problems, if solved, would make a huge difference? * What is most important to your boss? * What is most important to your team? * What is most important to the CEO? * Who would be impacted by this hiring decision? * How do decisions get made at this company?

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Richard Nimoh

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