
May 17th , 2024



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A year ago

Bathroom design that is ahead of the curve: Consumers at various phases of life are served by several Eurosmart lever types.

For individuals who require further protection: Burns are avoided thanks to GROHE SafeStop technology.

Design that is both contemporary and timeless, and may be worn now and tomorrow.


Without a question, our society is evolving - not only is the population rising, but we are also becoming older. Every second EU citizen is now over 40 years old. [1] Demographic change is causing us to reassess our whole culture, moving away from an anti-aging perspective and toward a pro-aging outlook on life.

Growing older no longer just sitting and waiting. The so-called'silver society,' defined as those over the age of 60 [2], ages in a unique way: they want to be healthy and active in the place where they feel comfortable and happy: at home. [3] GROHE used these findings to re-design one of its most popular products, the GROHE Eurosmart, to create a forward-thinking, future-ready house.




At every stage of life, there is support and comfort for routine bathroom habits.




Home is a component of our identity, a secure haven, and the ability to stay at home in old age is associated with consumer well-being. In this regard, the restroom is critical since it is where highly intimate moments occur. Ability to maintain personal hygiene at home is a big challenge, particularly for older generations. It provides you a sense of independence and liberty. One way to do this is to begin thinking about the correct bathroom items as early as possible, so that you are prepared for tomorrow, now. Age-friendly items, contrary to popular belief, do not have to appear dated.


The redesigned GROHE Eurosmart is the greatest example. The line's timeless design gently meets the unique demands of elderly or those with restricted motor abilities in terms of toilet care.




Diverse lever options for a wide range of lifestyles

GROHE guarantees that the Eurosmart range evolves in tandem with evolving societal demands and continues to adapt to current requirements. The various lever versions, which directly connect to people's lives, demonstrate this.


For example, the Eurosmart Loop lever, with its cut-out center that makes holding simpler, is ideal for senior folks with poor motor abilities. A new pull-out spout version, which gives full flexibility and increased comfort, is also a major assistance for daily toilet rituals. Consumers benefit from additional maneuverability, which is ideal for supporting and boosting the everyday washing process.

"When we consider our clients of the future, we should keep in mind that they are most certainly reaching their'silver years.'" Even when their eyesight deteriorates or their motor skills deteriorate, modern seniors are fit and desire items that help them with daily challenges, even in 10-20 years when their vision deteriorates or their motor abilities deteriorate less. As a result, we must ask ourselves, "How can we design attractive, future-ready products?" "Our GROHE Eurosmart has grown with each generation and is an excellent example of how to respond to changing demands with relevant goods," says Jonas Brennwald, LIXIL EMENA Leader.

Meet the Author

Emmanuel Amoabeng Gyebi

Content writer

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