
May 17th , 2024



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A year ago



It was a hot day in San Diego, California, in October 2003. I was at the annual meeting of the Infectious Disease Society of America. At a meeting, I vehemently spoke up against media stories linking Ghana, my native country, to a monkeypox outbreak in the United States. In a multistate epidemic, 53 persons were infected with monkeypox.




After testing and inquiry by the CDC, it was discovered that the virus was linked to prairie dogs acquired as pets at an Illinois pet store. The prairie dogs were maintained in close proximity to rodents brought from Ghana, a nation where human monkeypox has never been detected. These rats were later shown to be monkeypox positive.

Prairie dogs got affected after coming into contact with diseased rodents, and subsequently passed the virus on to their owners. To date, the importation of African rats into the United States has been prohibited in order to avoid new epidemics. That was the last time monkeypox sickness broke out in the United States. The epidemic did not result in any deaths. One of the children had encephalitis, a type of brain infection.


Monkeypox is a disease caused by the monkeypox virus that occurs infrequently and in isolated areas throughout Africa. The virus is divided into two clades (or types): the West Africa (WA) variation, which kills 1 to 3.6 out of every 100 infected patients (1 percent to 3.6 percent mortality), and the Congo Basin (CB) variant, which kills roughly 10 out of every 100 infected patients (10 percent mortality). The virus discovered in this current outbreak is a West African variety, meaning that the risk of death from this disease is quite low.






The result of the 2003 epidemic mirrors notions from the disease's natural history. It is a zoonosis in which people become sick after coming into contact with diseased animals. The monkeypox virus causes a moderate, self-limiting sickness known as monkeypox disease. It normally doesn't need to be treated.

It normally doesn't need to be treated. Children, pregnant women, and those with weakened immune systems are particularly vulnerable.


The virus is a member of the orthopox virus family. Animals are affected by this sickness. In 1958, it was identified in a group of experimental monkeys in Copenhagen, Denmark. The monkeys were brought in from Singapore to test the polio vaccine, thus the moniker "monkeypox." There have been a few other outbreaks in laboratories across the world since then, notably in the United States. People, on the other hand, tend to identify it with Africa because the first human case was documented in an African infant in 1970.

There have been sporadic occurrences in a few areas throughout the world since its discovery in 1970. Between January 1, 2022, and May 1, 2022, the Democratic Republic of Congo recorded 1,238 cases with 57 deaths, whereas Nigeria reported 46 cases with no deaths. Two passengers traveling to the United States from Nigeria were diagnosed with monkeypox and recovered in July and November of 2021. There have been nine cases associated to travel in non-endemic countries between 2018 and May 2022: two in the United States, five in the United Kingdom, one in Israel, and one in Singapore. Only one healthcare worker in the UK became sick, and none of the travel companions were ill.

A guy in Massachusetts with no history of travel was diagnosed with the disease on May 18, 2022, and eight other possible cases are being investigated. This is happening at a time when 250 cases have been recorded in eighteen nations since May 13, 2022, among people who have not gone to the countries where cases have previously occurred, implying a global epidemic. The United States, Canada, Portugal, Spain, Australia, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden, and the United Kingdom are among these nations. The countries with the most people are Portugal and Spain. The instances have mostly been reported in guys who have had intercourse with other men and are seeking treatment in sexual and outpatient clinics for a rash.

Meet the Author

Emmanuel Amoabeng Gyebi

Content writer

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