
January 30th , 2025



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1.      Ethics is the set of principles and guidelines that help us to uphold the things we value. a. True

b. False

2.      Which of the following is necessary in obtaining informed consent?

a.   A description of the statistical analyses that will be carried out

b.  A description of the purpose of the research

c.   A description of the reliability and validity of test instruments

d.  A list of publications that the researcher has had in the last ten years

3.      Which of the following need(s) to be obtained when doing research with children?

a.   Informed consent from the parent or guardian

b.  Assent from the child if he or she is capable

c.   Informed consent from the child

d.  Both a and b

4.      Which of the following is true about the use of deception in research?

a.   It should never be used

b.  It can be used anytime

c.   If there is deception in a study, the participants may need to be debriefed

d.  The use of deception must be outweighed by other benefits of the study

e.   Both c and d are true


5.      Which of the following generally cannot be done in qualitative studies conducted in the field?

a.   Getting informed consent

b.  Keeping participants from physical harm

c.   Maintaining consent forms

d.  Having full anonymity rather than just confidentiality

6.      What is the primary approach that is used by the IRB to assess the ethical acceptability of a research study?

a. Utilitarianism

b. Deontology

c. Ethical skepticism

d. Comparativeism

7.      Which of the following approaches says that ethical issues should be judged on the basis of some universal code?

a. Deontological

b. Ethical skepticism

c. Utilitarianism

8.      Which of the following is not an ethical guideline for conducting research with humans?

a.   Getting informed consent of the participant

b.  Telling participants they must continue until the study has been completed


c.   Keeping participants’ identity anonymous

d.  Telling participants they are free to withdraw at any time

9.      Which of the three ethics approaches says research ethics should be a matter of the individual's conscience?

a.   Deontological approach

b.  Ethical skepticism

c.   Utilitarianism

d.  Ontological skepticism

10.                    means that the participant's identity, although known to the researcher, is not revealed to anyone outside of the researcher and his or her staff.

a. Anonymity

b. Confidentiality

11.  Which of the following is not true?




a.   Misrepresenting and creating fraudulent data is dishonest

b.  Misrepresenting data is very easy to detect

c.   Misrepresenting data can be difficult to detect

d.  Breaking confidentiality is not a problem

12.  Ideally, the research participant's identity is not known to the researcher. This is called: a. Anonymity

b.  Confidentiality

c.   Deception

d.  Desensitizing

13.  Which of the following approaches taken by people to resolve ethical issues is the primary approach used by the federal government and most professional organizations?

a.  Deontological approach

b.  Ethical skepticism

c.   Utilitarianism

d.  None of the above

14.  What is it called when the participants are not revealed to anyone but researcher and staff?

a.        Confidentiality

b.        Anonymity

c.         Ethics

d.        Discretion

15.  Research participants must give what before they can participate in a study? a.


b.  A commitment

c.   Informed consent

d.  Private information


16. There are three basic approaches that people tend to adopt when considering ethical issues in research. Which one of the following is not one of the approaches?

a.  Ethical skepticism b. Deontology

c. Ontology

d. Utilitarianism

17.  Identify the term that refers to a post study interview in which all aspects of the study are revealed, reasons for the use of deception are given, and the participants’ questions are answered?

a.   Desensitizing

b.  Debriefing

c.   Dehoaxing

d.  Deploying

18.  A set of principles to guide and assist researchers in deciding which goals are most important and in reconciling conflicting values when conducting research is called


a.  Research ethics

b.  Deontological approach

c.   Utilitarianism

d.  None of the above

19.  IRB is an acronym for which of the following?

a.   Internal Review Board

b.  Institutional Rating Board

c.   Institutional Review Board

d.  Internal Request Board

20.  When it is necessary to engage in a good amount of deception to conduct a scientifically valid study, what procedure(s) should a researcher consider following?

a.  Debriefing


b.  Dehoaxing

c.   Desensitizing


d.  All of the above should be considered

21.  The act of publishing the same data and results in more than one journal or publication refers to which of the following professional issues: a. Partial publication b. Duplicate publication

c. Deception

d. Full publication

22. Concerning "authorship" in educational research, intellectual ownership is predominantly a function of:

a. Effort expended

b. Creative contribution

c. Professional position

d. Level of higher education

23.  Which term refers to publishing several articles from the data collected in one large study?

a.         Duplicate publication

b.        Partial publication

c.         Triplicate publication

d.        None of these

24.  Which of the following is a right of each participant according to the AERA?

a. Deception

b. Utilitarianism


c. Freedom to withdraw

d. Participants have no rights

25. Which of the following would be considered as a way that a computer virus can enter a computer system?

A) E-mail and file attachments.                                    B) Downloaded copies of games

C) Downloaded copies of shareware.                          D) All of the above.

26.  The unauthorized use of private and confidential personal information has seriously damaged the privacy of individuals. Accessing individuals' private e-mail conversations and computer records, and collecting and sharing information about individuals gained from their visits to Internet websites and newsgroups is an example of which type of privacy violation?


A)      Personal piracy              B) Computer monitoring                  C) Computer matching

D) none of the above

27.  There are four major principles of technology ethics: proportionality,

                                              , justice, and minimized risk.

A)      Informed constant       B.  Informed consent       C. Reformed consent

D. None of the above

28.  The statement "Those affected by the technology should understand and accept the risks" describes which of those principles?

A)      Proportionality             B) Royalty               C) Justice              

D) None of the above

29.  Many computer crimes involve the theft of money. In the majority of cases, they are:

A)             "Inside jobs" that involve authorized network entry and fraudulent alteration of computer databases to cover the tracks of the employees involved.

B)             "Inside jobs" that involve unauthorized network entry and fraudulent alteration of

         computer databases to cover the tracks of the employees involved.

C)             "Outside jobs" that involve authorized network entry and fraudulent alteration of computer databases to cover the tracks of the employees involved.

D)             "Outside jobs" that involve unauthorized network entry and fraudulent alteration of computer databases to cover the tracks of the employees involved.

30.  The concern for security has increased dramatically with the growth of E-business and E-commerce. Encryption is described as _                                               , prior to transmission, to a secret code that masks the meaning of the data to unauthorized recipients.

A)             the process of distributing data or converting it

B)             the process of scrambling data or deleting it

C)             the process of scrambling data or converting it

D)             the process

31.  Your text defines ergonomics as the science and technology emphasizing the safety, comfort, and ease of use of human-operated machines such as computers. The goal is to produce systems that are user-friendly, safe, comfortable, and easy to use. It is also called          engineering.

A)      humar factors              B. human factors           C. human tractor              D. Human


32.  The goal to ensure the accuracy, integrity, and safety of all information system processes and resources is goal of:

A)      Security management      B) Accuracy       C) Encryption     D) None of the above.

33.  The use of information technology in business operations presents no security challenges and risks such as computer crime or unethical behavior to society.

A) True                   B) False


34.  Computer monitoring has been praised as robbing workers of the dignity of their work because workers are forced to work at a hectic pace under poor working conditions.

A) True                                    B) False

35.  Firewall computer are computers, communications processors, and software that protect computer networks from intrusion by bypassing all network traffic and serving as a safe transfer point for access to and from other

networks.                                             A. True                                             B. False

36.  Your text discusses the importance of auditing E-business systems. The presence of documentation that allows a transaction to be traced through all stages of information processing is called an account

trail.                                                 A. True                                                    B. False

37.  In business ethics, the stockholder theory of business ethics maintains that managers have an ethical responsibility to manage a firm for the benefit of all its stockholders, which are all individuals and groups that have a stake in or claim on a company.

A) True                           B) False


38.  Hacking is defined as the authorized access and use of networked computer systems.

A)   True                                    B) False


39. One of the reasons hackers are a not a threat to the Internet is that they are not able to use remote services to allow one computer on the network to execute programs on another computer to gain privileged access within a network.                                           A) True

        B)  False

40.  To attack the problem of "time and resource theft" in the use of business systems, snickers can be used to monitor network traffic to evaluate network capacity, and to reveal evidence of improper use.                                                             A) True                      B) False


41.  Biometric control devices being used as a method of computer security. They include special purpose sensors to measure biometric traits that make each individual unique– fingerprints, voice, keystroke analysis, genetic pattern analyses,

etc.   A. True                                                    B. False


42.  Fault tolerant systems are computers that have a single central processor, peripheral, and system software and that are able to continue operations even if there is a major hardware or software

failure.                                  A. True                                        B. False



43. A disaster recovery plan is a method for ensuring that an organization recovers from natural and human-caused disasters that affect its computer-based operations. These plans specify items such as hardware, software, employee duties, and facilities to be used.        A. True B. False


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Prince Bukudah

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