
January 27th , 2025



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2 years ago

Can a modern Christian have dominion and power over demons?

Yes, a born-again, Spirit-endowed Christian has dominion over devils.

Mathematics has its authority: rules, formulas, and equations.

Music has its authority: rules of harmony, time, and progression.

Christianity, too, possesses unique authority.

13. Just exactly what does this dominion involve? Where did we get it, and how do we use it?

The word dominion is from a Greek word kurios, which in New Testament usage means lordship, inherited rulership, and sovereignty.

Without knowledge of his true relationship with God, man cannot possess dominion over the many conflicts in life. Through the prophet Hosea, God tells us, My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hos. 4:6).

Many Christians today do not realize their position of dominion. They belong to Christ; they are sons of God. Yet the devil keeps them in ignorance so they don't utilize their divine rights. Once they understand the basis of their dominion in Christ, they live a new life, attendant with power and victories.

If you were left a fabulous legacy by a loved one and did not know about it, you could live in abject poverty and perhaps die of starvation while actually possessing great wealth. This is just as true in spiritual life. It is imperative that you know—and know that you know—your rights as a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. You are entitled to dominion.

Jesus exhibited dominion in every stage of His life. His virgin birth transcends the known laws of nature.

He began His earthly ministry by turning water into sparkling wine without the fermentation process. He further demonstrated dominion over the laws of nature by walking on the water, by multiplying bread and fish to feed the hungry, and by calming the tempestuous sea with a word. Christ showed His dominion over sickness and disease by never failing to heal those brought to Him. He even asserted dominion over the grave by rising from the dead.

No one on this earth has ever lived and taught dominion as Jesus did. He concluded His earthly ministry by declaring, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth (Matt. 28:18). This is supreme dominion.

There is great dominion in the blood of Jesus. Christ came into this world for one splendid and glorious reason, and that was to shed His blood as a sacrifice for sin to save the human race. The Bible says that the life of the flesh is in the blood; therefore, it had to be His blood which was shed. Christ said to His disciples, This is my blood ... which is shed for many for the remission of sins (Matt. 26:28). The holy, saving blood of Jesus has power and dominion.

There is remarkable dominion in the book we call the Bible. It is the only living Book among men, possessing great power to preserve itself and to bless all humanity. I accept the Bible as God's inspired Word. I believe with the writer of Hebrews that the word of God is quick (living), and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart (Heb. 4:12).

God has placed His Word in an exalted position above faith, or works, or human goodness. The Psalmist David said, ... for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name (Ps. 138:2).

Let God's Word be true; and every doubt, every fear, every fancy, every opinion, and every contrary circumstance be a liar. You must not base your faith on moral or spiritual improvement or feelings, which, at times are most unreliable. Faith must be based on God's Word. There is dominion in His Word.

The Holy Spirit is also an important link in the chain through which dominion extends to the believer. The Holy Spirit has dominion—the power to do great miracles. He can move, and no one can hinder. As the third member of the Triune God, He knows no limit in time, energy, or space. He is the

Comforter; He guides the believer; He convicts the sinner of sin. He is the Spirit of Truth.

Through the divine operation of the Holy Spirit, the disciple can possess dominion. He becomes the final link in the chain of command. The Lord Jesus Christ perpetuated dominion on earth by giving power to His disciples: Behold, T give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you (Luke 10:19). Great Church leaders throughout history have exerted dominion as they lived victorious lives and set their fellow men free from the power of the devil.

Surrounded by such an array of glorious power and having association with such amazing strength, it is only reasonable that the disciple of Christ should be a partaker of this vast glory and that he, too, should enjoy this dominion.

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Happy Willz Mutyaba


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