
June 2nd , 2024



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A year ago

Di Maria

Transfer NEWS

Juventus willing to raise their offer to convince Allegri’s primary target


In their mission towards enhancing the crew, Juventus have focused on Angel Di Maria who has turned into a free specialist in the wake of finishing his seven-year coordinated effort with Paris Saint Germain.


Regardless of arriving at the age of 34, the Argentine remaining parts in a decent actual shape and is one of the most charming names on the unrestricted economy.


The former Seria a heavyweight champions is currently in a hunt for replacement for their team as they currently have a good number of departures from the club.


The old ladies will be losing the likes of morata and chiellini this summer and their replacement Is highly needed ahead of Next summer campaign.


The old ladies have been linked with a series of players including Barcelona midfielder De Jong and currently reunion of Paul Pogba who is currently out of contract with the reds.




Nonetheless, agreeing over legally binding terms has shown to be a confounded errand for.


While the winger is requesting a one-year agreement with a net compensation around 8 million euros, the Bianconeri might want to place his unique on a two-year bargain to exploit the Growth Decree and save half on charges.


In any case, the player stays unyielding on marking an arrangement until 2023, and will not bring down his compensation requests.


As indicated by la Gazzetta dello Sport by means of JuventusNews24, Max Allegri is a devoted admirer of Di Maria, hence, Juventus could raise their proposal to get it done with the player.


The source guarantees that the Bianconeri will offer the veteran a

contract for one year with compensation that can arrive at 7 million euros subsequent to adding rewards.

Juve FC say


With all due respect to the winger and his illustrious career, Juventus shouldn’t bother too much with a player who clearly doesn’t intend to dwell in Turin for too long.


Although Di Maria would surely raise the quality of the attacking department, he will only act as a stop-gap solution, and the Bianconeri would find themselves in the same situation following his departure next summer.

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Destiny Titus Ibra

Content writer

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