
March 7th , 2025



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2 years ago

   Can a person who is always tired be oppressed by a spirit of weariness?

Yes. I knew a man who was totally exhausted every time I saw him. He could stay in bed for two or three days and still be tired. It was not a fatal sickness to him, but his wife died caring for him. Constant weariness is of Satan and needs to be rebuked. I command strength to come to me daily.

  Is gluttony a spirit?

Gluttony can be a spirit. When someone has an abnormal desire for food, that desire is a spirit. We should not be under bondage to anything, such as smoking, overeating, or any other harmful habit. Take authority over such things and command them to get out of your life. We are not slaves; we are free in Christ!

Why are playing cards a symbol of the devil's power?

If you would study the history of cards, you would find that for hundreds of years they have been associated with immorality. They have traditionally been dedicated to that which is evil. It is not the paper itself that is evil, but that with which cards have been associated.

Does a Halloween jack-o'-lantern have any connection with demon power?

The Halloween celebrations should be avoided. Witches and such things are from the devil, and we should never join the devil in any of his celebrations.

Is the cross with a loop at the top a symbol of Satan? I have heard that it is used in Satan worship and is connected with Egyptian religions.

I would not want to be associated with anything connected with the ancient Egyptian religions. If a person wants to wear a cross, it should be something simple.

  Is it right to have religious symbols and pictures of Jesus hanging in one's home? Isn't this idol worship?

God has symbols, and it is not offensive to me to have a picture of Jesus hanging in the room.

It is dangerous, however, when people make that picture a symbol of power and attribute strength to it. Satan will use such things as a symbol of his presence if he can.

God wants to be worshiped in spirit and in truth, so we need to be careful. As a piece of art, however, such objects are perfectly all right.

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Happy Willz Mutyaba


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