
January 27th , 2025



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2 years ago

   Does inner healing have anything to do with deliverance?

Yes, it has to do with deliverance. For instance, if a person is sad or depressed continually, he needs to be delivered by God's power. That is inner healing.

A friend has been seeing what she believes to be angels. I told her to test the spirits, but she insists that they make her feel peaceful. Is there anything I could tell her to do to see if these are angels or demons?

They are not angels of light. Angels are messengers of God. They deliver their message and leave. This type of spirit is what we call a "familiar spirit." It will take greater advantage of her all the time until she is unable to sleep at night.

  When a woman receives an obscene phone call, should she hang up or rebuke the devil?

When a woman gets such a call, she should say, "Devil, come out of him!" in a strong voice and hang up. That person will not call back.

 Explain Matthew 7:22,23 in which Jesus said: Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

We are sons of God by the blood of Jesus. In the Judgment, people such as witch doctors and Christian Scientists will say, "Haven't we healed in Your name?" But

Jesus will say to them, "I never knew you." This is because they have never been in the family of God. They are not backsliders; they simply have never been born again by the blood of Jesus.

  I have a collection of Beatle records. Is it all right to sell them and give the money to the Lord's work, or should I destroy them?

Destroy them! They might send someone to hell. The beat in such music is the beat of the jungle, and it will tear apart a person's insides.

  Do you consider such things as magic tricks, sleight of hand, ventriloquism, Halloween masks, etc., to be evil?

We have a whole lesson available on the symbolisms of demon power. Don't play with things connected with demon power; leave them alone.

What is an enchanter?

An enchanter is one who hypnotizes; he enchants people. They say that a serpent looking at a bird enchants it. He moves closer and closer to the bird while staring into the bird's eyes until he captures it.

A lady heard her dead husband calling her name as she was waking up one morning. Would that be a familiar spirit who spoke to her?

No, it would be a deceiving spirit since it was not her husband calling. If that happens to you, don't keep listening to that kind of spirit. It will torment you if you listen to it.

Please explain what is wrong about the writings of Kahlil Gibran? A friend reads them and sees nothing wrong with them, but I feel that they are not right.

This work is spiritism of the highest form, and God does not want us to be associated with it in any way. It can get into your spirit.

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Happy Willz Mutyaba


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