
January 27th , 2025



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2 years ago

Sin is transgression, and transgression is rebellion. Sin was born in the heart of an archangel named Lucifer. He caused rebellion in heaven and was cast out. Then he brought it to earth where he planted it in the hearts of Adam and Eve. They in turn rebelled against God. Rebellion is sin, and all sin is evil. Through Adam, sin entered the bloodstream of humanity. The only way a human can get rid of that sin is by the blood of Jesus. There is no other way.

Since everything in heaven is pure and good, how could Lucifer live there and become proud and start all the evil which is in the world?

Evil does not begin on the outside; it begins in the heart. Lucifer looked in the mirror and said, "You are the most beautiful one here. You should be above everything else, including God." He should have resisted those thoughts, but instead he conceived them, brought them to birth, and acted upon them. Evil can come in the sweetest of places if it is allowed to generate inside a person.

Why did Lucifer not have the knowledge to know that he did not have the power to overthrow the throne of God?

When a person becomes conceited and full of himself, he does not see clearly. If you talk to prisoners in a jail, most of them will say, "I have been wronged. I am not guilty. I shouldn't be here." They will invariably blame all their misfortunes on others.

Can a Christian deliver someone else when he has sin in his own life?

Study the life of Samson. He had the power of God in his life even when he lived in sin. When a person receives a spiritual gift from God, it will work in his life until he breaks his covenant with God. Samson's covenant with God was that he would not cut his hair nor drink wine nor touch the dead. He did things that were wrong and seemed to escape the consequences. They eventually brought him to the point where he broke his covenant with God. When that happened, he became as any other man; his eyes were gouged out and he died among the enemies of God.

   James 4:7 says, Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. How can we submit ourselves to God?

Submitting ourselves to God can have to do with our businesses, our domestic lives, and our own spiritual lives. To submit to God means to give oneself fully on a daily basis to the Lord in all these areas. We should submit ourselves to the Word of God and do what it says.

A relative of mine says that he believes in God, but he is a Hindu. Is Hinduism devil worship?

Hindu gods are spirits. If your relative is attached to a Hindu deity, and most likely he is, that deity is an evil spirit. If he is worshiping that deity and if he has a mantra (a secret word that he receives from a guru and which he keeps repeating inside), that is an open door for the devil. By putting his mind in neutral, which is what the mantra accomplishes, evil spirits can enter in through the unguarded door to his mind.

In a way, all heathen are under the oppression of the devil because they have believed a lie. They have over 300 million gods, so everything is a god, and that is not truth. There is only one God, and that one God has one Son, the Lord Jesus. There is one Holy Spirit Who comes forth from the Father and the Son to bless us and walk with us.

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Happy Willz Mutyaba


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