
June 1st , 2024


News Avenue

A year ago


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A year ago

Deputy Minister for MoCD drives the Service to establish trees


Specialist Minister for Correspondences and Digitalisation and Individual from Parliament for Juaben Electorate, Ama Pomaa Boateng on Friday, 10th June, 2022 drove staff and authorities as well as various heads of parts of state associations under the Help to serve the Region Cleric, Hon Ursula Owusu-Ekuful to lay out seedlings in acknowledgment of the second rendition of the Green Ghana day.


Keeping an eye on the media at the Assistance, the Agent Minister, perceived the relevance of the occasion, zeroing in on that, "This is significant for tries to recover the country's lost woodlands cover and moreover work on the idea of the air we unwind.


She subsequently requested that overall society embrace the idea from government and be locked in with any drive highlighted engaging people to lay out trees.


The Agent Cleric, further said presence of mind would propose that on all of us ought to support the trees that we plant, take individual charge of them, water them and see that they are suitably settled.


According to her, "MoCD is delighted to be fundamental for the green Ghana day. As a component of our order, all that equipment is with us and we in general know that from our vehicles, to our homes to what we study or work with, we use this large number of electronic gadgets. The resources used for these electronic contraptions are regular substances got from our woodlands. Subsequently, hacking down of trees or displacing them is one of the areas that we are incredibly charmed by.


For instance, gold, silver, plastics, etc are parts that make up the gadgets that we use. Moreover, at whatever point trees are cut, that suggests that we are getting our resources in gathering these gadgets, so we need to displace them.


In replacing them, our accentuation is on the electronic wastes, whether to reuse or to do the tree planting, yet we are doing both. We will continue to make the care for all of us to know that once we continue with the high level life, whether we learn, work or play, we truly need to override these crude parts that are being used for these electronic gadgets.


So with lots of pride, the Help is supporting various Administrations and all Ghanaians to guarantee that we supersede the trees that are being cut and moreover guarantee that we give serious thought to natural change and too teach the general populace to realize that anything gadgets that we're using influences the trees that we are slashing down.


We are extraordinarily fortified that all Ghanaians are introduced to make this a very groundbreaking and powerful program. MoCD with all of our associations have gotten together to guarantee that we override what is being slashed down.

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