
June 2nd , 2024


Grace Murugi

A year ago


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To set up a business successfully, you need two essential things;

  1. Capital
  2. Business idea


But does this mean without money you can't actualize your business idea? The answer is no. With a great idea, your path to entrepreneurship is halfway. All you need to complete the setup is creativity and the readiness to test the concept. But how do you do this? Keep reading.



Choose a Free Business Idea



There are tons of business ideas you can actualize even without a single dime. For inspiration, look at the things you enjoy doing. Do you love writing, blogging, hiking, singing, entertaining people, pet training, or graphic design? 

You can quickly come up with a great start-up from whatever talent or skills you have. 


Another thing, let the idea you come up with help solve a problem or provide a need to your targeted customers. Note that some ideas are great but not marketable. For example, you may decide to create digital products. But do you know unless that product is incredible enough to provide a long-lasting solution to clients, it won't sell?


For this reason, you need to dig deeper and know what problems your targeted clients have and if your services will provide solutions. Remember that most people will pay any amount for a lasting solution to their issues.


Take the example of Noah Kagan. He is among the youngest billionaires in the world (His net worth is $45 million). He is a successful blogger and owns two multi-million companies (Sumo and AppSumo). Interestingly, Noah started his blogging business with zero balance in his account. Unbelievable, right? 


If you are wondering how he succeeded, here is the secret; Noah realized how companies longed to see their websites grow. So, he solved their problem by creating free tools to help users automate their website's growth. Amazing, right?


You can also be a successful business tycoon if you are creative enough to invest in your talent or skills, just like Noah.


Some businesses you can start without money include;

  1. Blogging
  2. Freelance writing
  3. Pet training
  4. Virtual assistant
  5. Web and graphic design
  6. Digital marketing
  7. Dropshipping
  8. Cleaning services e.t.c.



Write a Superb Plan for your Business



Once you find a business idea that will work for you, you need one essential thing to move to the next level; a business plan. Are you wondering why you still need to plan and your concept is already running in your mind? Read on;


Why a business plan is essential

  1. It will help you focus on things that can make your idea succeed.
  2. It will help you know the strategic location of your business. 
  3. It will help you know whether you need human resources for your business. For instance, if it's a cleaning business, you might hire a few employees to help maximize your profits.
  4. A business plan makes it easy to accomplish both short-term and long-term business objectives.
  5. The plan will help you decide on the technologies to use and how to acquire them.
  6. It will help you know how your business will create value for customers in the long term.
  7. It's a business plan that will enable you to identify pitfalls in your business idea.
  8. It will help you decide where you'll get funding to grow your business later.
  9. It will help you know the experts to consult regarding your idea.

Whatever business idea you have, don't underestimate the importance of a business plan. It's an essential and strategic tool for start-ups to grow. Benjamin Franklin said, "If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail." 



Actualize your Idea



You already have an excellent business idea plus a business plan. This means you know where to begin, where to set up your business, the equipment you need, and all the technicalities. So what's remaining? Actualizing that idea! 


If you decide to set up the business in your house, you are good to go. For instance, if it's a freelance writing business, you need a laptop or a desktop and a Wi-Fi connection in your house. Look for sites that pay for content and get going. You can also decide to consult a few experts in the field.


However, if you have a rented store, there are some fundamentals that you need;

a). A license from your local authority

b). A health certificate if it's a food business


With all the equipment and necessary certification, it's time to take that idea to the public. You can create a website to help your business grow tremendously within a few months. Note that you might not start getting profits right away. Be patient as great things take time!






Starting a business with zero capital is 100% doable. In fact, several millionaires established their multi-million companies with nothing just like you. Some began with a little amount in their bank accounts. What you need to become a successful entrepreneur is not cash; it's your great idea, creativity, time, passion, determination, willingness, and patience.

Meet the Author

Grace Murugi

Content writer

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