
June 2nd , 2024



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The Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority (GPHA) has pledged to contribute its fair share to a green and sustainable environment that supports life.


This is because it views the green environment as one of the most effective ways of reducing the severe effects of global warming and assisting in the control of global warming, which is defined as an increase in the earth's temperature caused by activities that release pollutants such as carbon dioxide and methane, among other gases, into the atmosphere.




With the vow to plant 1000 seedlings, the authority's strategy fits smoothly with the country's greening program. Michael Luguje, the Director General of the GPHA, stated that this decision has become even more important in addressing the ever-increasing threat.

Mr. Luguje was addressing during the GPHA's Health and Safety Environment Day in Tema, which had the subject of "One Earth, One Life" and coincided with Green Ghana Day and World Environment Day.




"We require trees for shade as well as to aid in the control of global warming and its harmful consequences.




Within the major harbour area, 1000 trees will be planted," he stated.




According to him, a similar project is in the works for the port of Takoradi.




The GPHA has teamed up with the Coastal Conservative Organization, a non-profit organization, to assist in the planting and care of the seedlings.






Mr. Luguje took advantage of the occasion to praise the government for the Green Ghana program, saying that GPHA was delighted to be a part of it.


Frederick Obeng Adom, the Deputy Transport Minister, was pleased that the project was in line with the government's Green Ghana initiative, which promotes and supports the statewide planting of trees for afforestation.




According to him, the government plans to plant 20 million trees by 2022.




"The goal for this year is to plant 20 million trees. It will take concerted work to ensure that when we come here next year, we can declare that 19 million trees have survived."




"Despite an original aim of five million trees, the government rallied citizens behind the 2021 Green Ghana Project, which witnessed the planting of around seven million trees. "6.3 million trees survived out of the total," he said.

Dealing with the effects of climate change, according to the Deputy Minister, has become the duty of both organizations and governments.


He urged everyone to participate in the greening of Ghana.




Despite the fact that rain played a larger role in the event, it did not discourage passionate GPHA workers, invited visitors, and other stakeholders from planting symbolic plants since GPHA provided raincoats.




Rain was seen as a good omen, ushering the seedlings into their new surroundings, where they would grow into trees to service the main port enclave.






Stakeholders in the port community, including security agencies, importers and exporters, and other actors, were there to support the project.









Meet the Author

Emmanuel Amoabeng Gyebi

Content writer

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