
June 2nd , 2024



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GCB Bank PLC has opened another branch in Nalerigu, the capital of the North East District of Ghana, making it the primary general bank in the country to set up a branch in the locale since its creation a couple of years prior.


The Nalerigu branch brings the Bank's complete branch network in the northern area to 20 and 185 cross country barring a few organizations.


Talking at the send off of the branch, Mr Emmanuel Odartey Lamptey, Delegate Overseeing Overseer of Tasks, GCB Bank PLC, made sense of that Nalerigu assumes an essential part in the North East Locale and as Ghana's most memorable native Bank, focused on extending monetary consideration, it was the obligation of GCB to bring protected, helpful and serious financial items and administrations to individuals of Nalerigu and encompassing networks.


"Since the foundation of GCB Bank a long time back, it has been our consistent undertaking to help the monetary development of Ghana by giving advantageous and cutthroat financial items and administrations to all clients including miniature and little endeavors, retail merchants, little and negligible ranchers along with private and public area associations regardless of where they are," he made sense of.


"Nalerigu has extraordinary potential and is the heartbeat of a few monetary exercises, going from cultivating to a few SMEs - both formal and casual. It is additionally home to a few government divisions and organizations as well as instructive establishments and wellbeing offices like the Baptist Clinical Center which serves both individuals of Northern Ghana and benefactors from Burkina Faso. These organizations require protected, quick and advantageous financial administrations and GCB Bank is glad to offer the important association to help people, organizations and foundations in Nalerigu to arrive at their maximum capacity through extraordinary and available monetary arrangements," he added.


On the Bank's presentation, Mr Lamptey made sense of that GCB Bank's solid exhibition throughout the long term has been upheld by the bank's wide branch, serious areas of strength for organization base the nation over and one of a kind computerized arrangements.


"Our aspiration is straightforward, and it is to overwhelm the market," the Appointee MD expressed.


The VP of the Republic of Ghana, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia who joined the Nayiri (Master of Mamprugu) and the Board and The executives of GCB Bank to authoritatively send off the branch, lauded GCB Bank for the essential job it plays in driving the country's financial plan.


He added that GCB's solid monetary execution since initiation a long time back is confirmation that Ghanaian establishments can succeed reliably at the most significant level.


Dr. Bawumia lauded GCB Bank for its authority in the financial area and expressed that GCB Bank has left a mark on the world as the primary Bank to lay out a branch in Nalerigu. "It is an important day, and we will always remember," he expressed.


The production of the new locales isn't just to guarantee decentralization and grow improvement, yet it is likewise to make another feeling of incorporation. The foundation of the primary bank in Nalerigu is an immediate consequence of the formation of another district, he made sense of.

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