
October 18th , 2024


Shadi Parker

2 years ago


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2 years ago


The sending and presence of military work force in the Krobo locale in the Tema district by the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) has ignited fears among certain occupants who are bringing up issues about mission of the furnished faculty.


Be that as it may, the ECG has water down the feelings of trepidation of the people who probably won't be aware of the reasoning behind the organization.


In a meeting with Joy Business, Tema Regional Public Relations Officer of ECG, Sakyiwaa Mensah, said the faculty are to expand staff and project workers introducing meters in the locale.


"We are working as a team with the officials from the 49 Field Engineers Regiment to give specialized help to the establishment of prepaid meters".


"ECG has had a well established relationship with the Ghana Army traversing north of twenty years. In February this year for example, we had one with them through our ECG Training School in Tema", she proceeded.


Aside 50 electrical designers from 49 Field Engineers Regiment, the organization has drawn an additional 90 specialized staff from across its functional regions and workers for hire as a component of the sending.


In December 2021, the power merchant started pre-establishment study and specialized review of meters with 3,000 post-paid meters caught out of around 50,000 post-paid meters in the area.


Because of safety challenges nearby, ECG field faculty and project workers are completing the activity under outfitted police insurance however this is supposed to be influencing the speed of the activity,


"In different spots, we as a rule can supplant in excess of 300 meters in a day. The circumstance here is a digit delayed because of trouble. For more than two months, we could simply introduce around 250 meters due to obstruction," Sakyiwaa deplored.


As per her, because of the slack in the activity, the arrangement will assist them with covering more grounds.


The organization has gotten weighty reaction for its choice to present prepaid meters in Krobo locale, in spite of having done same in other functional regions.


A few occupants keep on blaming ECG for pushing the new meters down their throat however ECG firmly goes against this view.


It keeps up with it has starting around 2021 drew in important partners including customary specialists utilizing different means remembering for individual gatherings, broad communications, among others where essential.


The Krobo area has drawn public consideration throughout the course of recent years because of endeavors by certain inhabitants to oppose installment of force utilized beginning around 2014.


As of December 2021, the locale had an obligation of about ¢70 million for power use from 2014-2017, however this has been ring-fenced after a few multi-partner commitment.


Be that as it may, power utilized from 2018-2021 is to be paid in the following five years after commitment with partners.


In what gives off an impression of being an immediate reaction to sending of electrical specialists from the 49 Field Engineers Regiment, a few occupants at Kpogunor in Manya Krobo hit the roads last week.


As far as they might be concerned, it is clearly going to be a confrontation should any security office or establishment endeavor introducing the prepaid meters locally.


The power wholesaler anyway appears to be unperturbed by the dangers and not prepared to flicker first for completing a real command.


ECG will subsequently separate any client who rejects the meters and will charge the client for unlawful association should the client reconnect.


The client for this situation will apply for the assistance would it be a good idea for him the individual in question choose to have meter after disengagement.

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Shadi Parker

Content writer

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