
May 18th , 2024



A year ago


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Still on the marriage of our mother Aisha to our beloved Prophet Mohammed may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him, other evidences are presented below. You will come to know at the end of the presentation that it is obvious without any iota of doubt that the marriage of yesterday cannot be the same as the marriage of today. Follow keenly for enlightenment my brother and sister, so you can shed some light on the people who are still swimming in the pool of darkness due to ignorance.


The Marriages Are Not The Same

The marriage 1500 years ago is not the same as that of today. No one needs to tell you this but it is due to the pretentious nature of man that this topic is considered. Otherwise the evidences are obvious and naked.


Read the piece below and follow up with the exceeding ones to become more enlightened about the fact that marriages of today cannot in anyway be compared to marriages of yester- years


Sarah gave birth to Isaac at the age of ninety (Genesis 17).

Isaac was in his thirties when the incident of Mount Moriah occurred with his father, Abraham (Genesis 22).

Immediately after Isaac and Abraham’s incident on Mount Moriah, Rebecca is born (Genesis 22).

As soon as Rebecca’s birth is mentioned in Genesis 22, few verses down (next chapter), we read that Sarah died at the age of 127 years old (Genesis 23:1-3).

At the time of Sarah’s death, Isaac would be have been 37-years-old.

Isaac married Rebecca at the age of 40 (Genesis 25:20), this would show from the Bible that Rebecca was only three years old, given that she was only born three years prior, just after the Mount Moriah incident and the death of Sarah Little explanation:- As usual, you know how we do it when concluding, check it out below. Hope these evidences are enough to satisfy you. If you think they are not still enough, follow me keenly and get before you other equally thirst quenching evidences about the subject so that you will not have problem with the marriage. In fact you can even educate others about it better than I’m doing. Be concerned about what concerns you yet seek knowledge, for ignorance is a prison wherein the inmates are those who are reluctant when it comes to seeking knowledge. When you learn, you lead others aright and save them from captivity. But you don’t just learn anything, you seek beneficial knowledge and wisdom from the right sources with the proper ethics. Look for the write up on ethics of seeking knowledge . What would say of the marriages of today then, where people marry the pregnancy rather than the women. Yet that seems okay by society. What a pity on such individuals. Let me end with the statement that, sleeping over the bed of heedlessness in your youth is a sure way to treading the path of regret in old age. So wise and humble.

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