
May 18th , 2024



A year ago


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The early scholars (al-Salaf) used to ask Allah a lot and always seek His help in everything, even when a part of their shoe is cut they ask Allah to repair it for them. This shows that they were

totally relying on Allah subhana wa ta’ala in their lives. We should also depend on Allah alone. We should not depend on our material aspects such as money and wealth as they cannot do

anything for us. It is Allah alone Who deserves to be relied on. So every Muslim should be

closer to Allah and seek His help and support. This will give us strength in our faith and iman. It

will also give us more barakah (blessings) in our deeds and actions as explained in many verses of the Qur’an.

Istighfar is also one way to acquire good rizq or wealth because when we do istighfar we will get barakah in our rizq. It is this barakah or blessing of Allah which makes our wealth more beneficial

regardless of how much money we earn. Some people earn a lot of money but there in no

barakah in their wealth because they do not do istighfar nor are they grateful to Allah. People

should show their need and humbleness to Allah who is the Master and Sustainer of the world.


The hadith shows us the proper relationship between mankind and Allah. It shows us the many

attributes of Allah such as being Merciful, Forgiving, Powerful and Compassionate. In contrast,

we as human beings are poor, needy and weak. We are in continuous need for Allah, our creator and sustainer. We need His Guidance, Help and Support. That is why in every raka’ah of our

salah we are required to recite Umu al-Kitab or Surah al-Fatihah. We recite it at least 17 times

everyday. It reminds us of our extreme need for our Lord and His Guidance and Support. Also

this will strengthen our faith and iman.

In many verses of the Qur’an and in the hadiths of the Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wasallam, it is

explained the importance of showing our need and humbleness to Allah and the worthiness of

frequent taubah or repentance to Him. He will listen to us and will accept our supplication and repentance. He will be pleased by our du’a and prayers. He will shower on us His Mercy and

Blessings and that is what we continuously need. We want to be guided, supported and forgiven.

We seek the pleasure of Allah and it is the most important thing that a Muslim may achieve in

life. Those who achieve it are described as Fa’izun or the most successful people.


It is narrated that whoever humbles himself or herself for Allah, Allah would raise him or her in status and whoever is arrogant and lifts himself or herself, Allah would bring him or her down, degrading him. So it is your choice to either be raised in status or be degraded. Make a wise choice for the good of your own self.


Laziness is very attractive to ignorance, so wherever there is laziness in the quest for knowledge, be certain to find ignorance married happily to Mr. laziness, making a perfect couple with darkness as their residence. Corrections, criticisms and the like are welcome as usual. They keep me on my toes and on the look out for much information. Since information is key in this day and age.

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