
January 27th , 2025



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a word from Gary

T he success of The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts has been gratifying. Mil lions of couples have not only read the book, but have practiced its principles. My files are filled with letters from couples all over the world expressing gratitude for the difference the love la n gu a ges have made intheir marriages. Most tell me that learning the primary love language of their spouse has made a radical change in the emo tional climate of their home, and some have credited the book with actually sav ing their marriage.


This book grew out of the many requests I received to “write a book on the five love lan guages of children.” Because my professional career has focused on marriage coun seling and enrichment, I was reluctant at first to write about children, even though I received hun dreds of reports from parents who applied the concept of the love languages to their children.

When Northfield Publishing talked with me about doing such a bo ok, I contacted my friend of many years, Ross Campbell, to ask him to co author the book with me. To my delight, R oss agreed. Ross has spent many years in psychiatric medicine,

with a focus on the needs of chi ldren and adolescents. I have long admired the quality of his work, have pr ofited from his own wr iting, and have appreciated our per sonal contact through the years.


Just as the origin nal book on love languages has helped so many people in their marriages, so now I hope and pray that this book will aid countless parents, teachers, and others who love and work with children to become more effective in meeting the emotional need children have for lo ve.

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Happy Willz Mutyaba


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