2 years ago
With the fast development of internet, social media and travel opportunities our world is getting smaller and more accessible. We now can fly anywhere, communicate with people from other countries, follow their lives in social media, etc. But is it possible to build and maintain a healthy relationship with someone from another country or even continent?
You can meet her on your Facebook, Instagram, on some international conference or on a dating site. And you feel like she is the right person for you. And there will be several points of view fighting in your head. One says to do everything to have her. And the other will remind you about the distance and time difference. So, what should you do and if it is even possible to be handled?
Online Dating
Online dating is no longer news nowadays. According to Statista resource 35% of 20+ years old people used a dating site and 53% knew at least 1 person that did. Internet dating erases boundaries and distance. It doesn't really matter where the person is. What matters is the desire of both to find a mate. Here is the list of best dating websites and apps.
Indeed, if you want to find somebody from your country you can use Tinder and search locally. But if you want to meet a person from abroad you can use specialized sites for international dating. For instance, you can use Online dating in Russia services or Ukrainian women dating if you want to meet Slavic women (which is quite trending nowadays). Or if you like Asian women you can check the Asiame site. You get the point.
Now the reasonable question will be whether it is possible to build and maintain a relationship?
And the answer is simple: if you both want it you can handle it. Here is the nice research on how to make long distance relationships work. Usually when a man and a woman find each other on a dating site they learn their partner really carefully and then they move offline. It is especially great for those who like to travel.
Social Media & Messengers
Luckily there are so many modern tools to neutralize inconveniences with the long distance relationships. For examples, you can use Skype, Zoom, Telegram, SnapChat, Facetime, etc. Also, you can follow her Instagram and Facebook. This makes a sense of presence in her life. It is also an important part of professional tips about long distance relationships.
Certainly social media helps to maintain long distance relationships. It does not mean that you have to chat all the time or comment on her photos on Facebook or make Skype calls every evening. This will make your communication less precious. Especially if you are both busy people and have your own private life and things to do. Here are some great tips about dating in your 30s. If you are 30 or 40 years old you obviously have a job and hobby. And you don’t want to be bothered when you are super busy, right?
International Trips
Once or twice a year it is recommended to meet each other in person. Of course it is considered good form for a man to arrange a trip. And here guys have several options.
The first option is to actually fly to the country where she lives. It is better to get a hotel room, because she may live with her parents or a friend-roommate. Ask her to be your guide around her city, go visit some restaurants, parks, etc. Use this opportunity to spend some time together.
The second option is to get her to your country. It is widely used for guys from the USA and girls from the Eastern Europe. Men pay for tickets and women fly to visit them.
And the third option that became rather popular recently is to arrange a vacation at a resort. Imagine that you have been working hard during the year and now want to relax somewhere in a warm country by the sea. You can go there together. Why not, right? You will have a nice trip, a great vacation and time with your girlfriend. Sounds awesome, doesn’t?
Wrap Up
One important thing we need to know is that building and maintaining long distance relationships is not a big deal nowadays. There are plenty of advantages and convenient tools for that.
Some men prefer this way of meeting girls because they have no free time or feel unconfident to meet someone in the street before getting to know her better.
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