
January 27th , 2025



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2 years ago

One day, Finney was on the way to his office when the power of God hit him. He never made it to work that day. He said he went into the woods and got as far away from people as he could. He found some logs that were heaped on top of each other and he crawled under them and began to whisper a prayer. He prayed, "O God, if You're really real, make Yourself known to me. Help me!"

Finney came out from under those logs a born-again Christian, ready to preach the Gospel, ready to plead men's cases before God instead of in the courts of the land.

Finney went by his office and said, "I quit." People asked him, "What are you going to do?" Finney replied, "I'm going to preach."

Finney went to a nearby street corner, started preaching, and never stopped. He was called the greatest revivalist since the Apostle Paul. He knew what it was to move in the power of prayer and to go into cities and destroy the devil.

Finney knew he was called from the time he was first saved. Some people say to me, "How will I really know I'm called?" If you don't know, you haven't come in contact with God yet, because once you've truly been called, there's no room to wonder about it. When you come in contact with God, you know. You can't help but know.

If you're a preacher who is not sure you're called, you're on dangerous territory. You'd be better off living in your prayer closet for a while before you go out on the field. Too many preachers have started out wondering if they're called or not. They don't last. You must know that you know that you know you are called and then go do what God has called you to do.

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Happy Willz Mutyaba


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