
March 9th , 2025



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2 years ago

Possessed With God's Love for People

"Love never fails..."

—1 Corinthians 13:8

Successful people walk in love at all times. No matter what happens, they walk in love.

We must choose to walk in love. Love means action. Love will compel you to reach out to the lost. It will make you go where the sinners are. Sinners aren't inside the church; they're outside the church. That's where we need to go.

Love will make you run down to the valley of the shadow of death to get someone and bring them to the mountaintop of God.

Love acts. Love has compelled me to reach people since I was a young boy. I first got started in the ministry passing out tracts in different neighborhoods. God had called me to preach, but I didn't have any churches asking me to come, so I went out and preached to everybody I could find on the street: I'd walk down the street and hand someone a tract and then begin to weep.

"What's wrong; what's wrong?" the person would ask me. I'd tell them I was sad because they didn't know what I knew. I told them how much God loved them, how He wanted to heal them, deliver them, and make them whole in every area of their lives.

A lot of people came into the house of God because I let the compassion of Jesus flow through me to them. It's embarrassing to stand there and cry in front of someone you've never met before. Love made me do it! But I made the choice to allow it to happen. I could have chosen to sit at home watching television or something else rather than reaching out to people in need.

Love meets the needs of people. When you meet someone who is sick, love compels you to lay hands on them so they'll recover. If you're not walking in love, you'll just look at that sick person and say, "Oh, dear, I'm so sorry you're sick." That's not enough. Love acts.

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Happy Willz Mutyaba


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