
March 9th , 2025



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2 years ago

Many Christians limit the love of God. The love of God sometimes will impress you to do things your natural mind rebels at. Your natural mind will say no, but the spirit of love will say yes.

There's a minister by the name of Jerry B. Walker who says he didn't have the love of God the way he felt he should have, so he locked himself up for seven days and prayed and prayed and prayed. All he asked for was that the compassion of Jesus would fill him.

When he walked out on the seventh day, the compassion of Jesus flowed out of that man. When he preaches, you can feel God's love flowing out of him. That love draws all kinds of people into the kingdom of God. It moves the whole place, because he lets the love of Jesus flow through him.

It's time we all walked in such love. The next move of God that we're entering must be characterized by love. That's the only way the world is going to be won. It's the only way the Church is going to survive.

The Christian army is one of the most unusual armies in the world. It's the only one I know of that kills its wounded! I'm serious. We kill by our words and actions. It's time we quit killing our wounded and started binding them up, pouring in the oil and wine, loving them, and keeping he Church glorious.

It's sin not to stand by our fellow believers and ministers and support them when they're going through a rough time. In the medical field, doctors stand by other doctors. Lawyers stand by lawyers. Family members stand by family members. Why can't believers stand by other believers? Why can't ministers stand by ministers? We should, and God wants us to.

David is a good example of someone who stood by another. He stood by King Saul even in death. When King Saul was dead, a man came running up to David with the news that King Saul had committed suicide.

David had every reason to rejoice: King Saul had been a major thorn in his flesh. He even had tried to kill David more than once! Yet notice how David reacted to the news.

He cried bitterly because King Saul had died. Then he said, "Don't tell anybody. Don't publish this in Gath. Don't go to the other lands and tell them our king is dead. Don't tell them he committed suicide. Let's keep it quiet."

That's the way it should be in the Church and the ministry today. We shouldn't be publishing and broadcasting the failures of all our brothers and sisters. Yet we do—and it's sin.

Church people love gossip and rumor probably more than any other people on the face of the earth. I don't know which they enjoy more: eating or gossiping! Some churches never grow because the members have sown so many bad seeds through their gossip.

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Happy Willz Mutyaba


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