
March 9th , 2025



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2 years ago

Lake declined their offer, saying he didn't need their serum. The doctors asked him what he meant, and Lake boldly said, "I don't go by the natural law. I go by the law of Christ. The law of life lives in me, not death."

To prove it, Lake took some of the bloody foam from the lips of a plague victim and placed it in his hand. Then he stuck his hand under a microscope. He said, "Those germs can't live on me. They must die." Sure enough, when the doctors looked under the microscope, the germs had all died on Lake's hand!

Lake walked in God's divine law, not in the natural laws of this world. And because of it, he walked in authority and boldness.

Another man who walked in great boldness was Smith Wigglesworth. Smith started off in life as an uneducated plumber. His wife was actually the preacher when he got started. But as he went along, the power of God and the anointing of God caused Smith to be a great preacher. He was as bold as they come.

A man once came to him with a swollen stomach, complaining of kidney troubles. The man was in a lot of pain. When he asked Smith to pray for him, Smith hauled off and punched the man right in the stomach. As soon as his fist hit the man, he was instantly healed! That's boldness!

Paul prayed that he'd speak the Word of God boldly. When you speak the Word of God boldly, with authority, people will listen. Mealy-mouthed Christians aren't listened to a whole lot. They're not accomplishing a whole lot, either!

We must be bold. The Bible says we're to be as bold as lions. You can't get much bolder than that!

"When God knows you are faithful, trustworthy, and obedient, He will send you places and give you things to do that only you can do."

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Happy Willz Mutyaba


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