
March 9th , 2025



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2 years ago

Evan wasn't educated. He had no money or popularity. But he knew his God. He stood up in Moriah Chapel, opened his little scorched Bible, and said this prayer: "O Holy Spirit, bend us. O Holy Spirit!"

Think about those words. They showed Evan's dependency on the Holy Spirit. They proved his consciousness of God. When those words were uttered, the Holy Spirit swooped in and knocked Evan to his knees in intercession. Then the Holy Spirit swept across the congregation. They all began to cry and weep in the Spirit.

That started the Welsh Revival. As a consequence of that revival, you couldn't find a sinner in the entire country of Wales. If you journeyed into the country as a sinner, you'd come out as a Christian!

The saloons were all closed down. Prostitutes went home. Everybody lived a holy life. The policemen were out of jobs; the populace didn't need their services anymore. Instead of the crusty miners cursing and drinking, they'd walk down the streets praising God. They even had to retrain the little pit ponies in the mines to adjust to the miners' new, sanctified vocabulary!

The Welsh believers became conscious of God walking with them every day. They depended on the Holy Spirit. They surrendered everything to God. These three things will bring you success.

Kathryn Kuhlman was another person who totally depended on the Holy Spirit. She always was aware of God's presence. Some people called her crazy because she walked around talking to God all the time. Others hounded her about the miracles that took place in her ministry.

She would tell them, "I'm absolutely dependent on the power of the Holy Spirit. I have stood before sick people and have cried, wishing I could give them strength from my own body. But without the Holy Spirit, I have nothing—NOTHING!"

Miss Kuhlman gave her all to God. Before her services, she would pace backstage. She'd weep, telling God it wasn't her power, it was His that healed the people. It was a humbling sight.

She often said, "The only fear I have is that when I walk out into a great miracle service, the presence of the Holy Spirit won't be there. I know I have no healing power. It must be the Holy Spirit's work. He must do it. I can't."

She was totally dependent on God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. She walked with them at all times.

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Happy Willz Mutyaba


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