
March 9th , 2025



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2 years ago

—Ephesians 4:22-24

A preacher who stands in the pulpit and lusts after a woman in his congregation is sinning. You'd be surprised at how many preachers do that. When they stand before God on the Judgment Day, He's going to say, "Why did you do that?" There won't be any room for any more excuses then. The preacher won't be able to say, "I was in the flesh," or "I didn't know better." God gave us the Word so we would know better. He gave us power and authority so we would NOT sin.

Sin must cease in the lives of believers and ministers. Otherwise, the Church will be without power. When you sin, you lose power, you lose contact with God's Throne Room. God will not pour His glory into a vessel that has sin in it. Sin and glory cannot mix. It causes an explosion called judgment.

God doesn't pour out His power without limitations. He just pours a little here and a little there. The reason He doesn't dump all of it upon us is because it probably would kill us.

That's what happened to Ananias and Sapphira in the Book of Acts. They lied and died! They didn't die just because the apostles were standing there. They died because they'd walked into the glory, power, and presence of God with sin in their lives.

If they'd been walking in right relationship with God, that never would have happened. Sin in the presence of God caused a reaction. The apostles had nothing to do with it. God had nothing to do with it. They killed themselves.

They committed suicide spiritually.

If you walk inside a place where God's power is manifested and there's sin in your life, you'd better be scared, because judgment will fall. It's going to start happening more and more in the days to come.

We've had God's power in mighty manifestation in the past. We're going to have it again in the Body of Christ — once we begin to live totally holy lives before God and man and get the sin out of our camp.

You actually can get to a place where you don't understand sin. Someone will sin and you'll think to yourself, How in the world could they do that? That doesn't make any sense at all!

People who live holy lives before God don't understand sin. They live with the fear of God in their lives.

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Happy Willz Mutyaba


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