
March 12th , 2025



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There are two types of married couples. There are the ones who are married but their marriage is all about their children and then you have those married couples who are still madly in love with each other even though they have children. It makes you wonder, doesn’t it? It makes you wonder how is that couple is still able to have so much love and affection towards each other when you and your spouse are too tired to even hold hands.

So what are they doing so different than you? It’s called effort and that effort comes from both ends. Both you and your spouse have to want to bring the romance back in the relationship… it can’t just be onesided. Now, that’s not to say that you have to neglect showing your children affection to be able to give some to your spouse, you both just have to make that effort to set aside time for yourselves just as much as you do for your children.

If your marriage has hit a slump and you and your spouse need a little TLC, take a look at the ways that you can keep the romance going in your marriage.


1. Hire a Nanny

When it comes to bringing the romance back into your marriage, the number one culprit that made the romance leave in the first place is your children, the majority of the times. If you want to bring the romance back in your marriage, the first thing you need to do is set aside alone time for you and your spouse. How do you do that? Hire a nanny.

Hiring a nanny has given parents a bad rep in the past. People would say that if you hire a nanny for your kids it meant that you don’t have time for your kids and that is not the case at all. Sometimes you just need a little time to yourselves as a couple and there’s no guilt to feel there.

You can hire a nanny for as long as you need them, you just have to look up their working hours, and once you hire a nanny you become a household employer. You have capabilities to hire them for a few hours while some nannies offer overnight services. So, to get some of that alone time and your parents, friends, or in-laws can’t watch them, consider hiring a nanny… your marriage will thank you for it later.


2. Show PDA As Often As You Can

When you and your spouse first started dating, and even before having kids, you couldn’t keep your hands off of each other, could you? In most cases, yes. But somehow, the thrill of your spouse faded away the longer you became parents. You used to hold hands in the grocery store and steal kisses from each other in the park… why did all of that have to go away when your kids came along? Probably because you’re:

  • Exhausted
  • Irritable from lack of sleep
  • Not in a good mood
  • Feeling like you’ve outgrown it

There are several more reasons why your PDA has gone out the window but again, this is where that effort comes in. Make it a point to hold hands or share a smooch in public… this will make your spouse feel special, loved, and valued.


3. Go Out of Town Together

Going out of town is the perfect time to bring romance back into the relationship… also, the perfect occasion to hire a nanny so that the two of you can enjoy a little getaway together. Trips out of town are just one of the many ways your life changes after having children.

Before kids, you could just up and leave whenever you felt like it without worrying about finding someone to watch the kids but in having kids, there are major life changes you have to make but that doesn’t mean that t has to kill the romance in your marriage.

Marriage experts say that a little getaway is perfect for bringing the romance back into your marriage after kids. Set aside money to pay for a trip, even if it’s just a weekend getaway. Set aside the money for gas, hotel, food, and entertainment to show each other a good time.


4. Flirt With Your Spouse

Nothing is more fun than flirting with your spouse and it’s so simple. You used to do it but now it seems as though you’ve gotten too busy or too old for it but the reality is that it’s all in your mind. There are so many ways that you can flirt these days too and technology has added to the flirting games. Whether you send a flirty text to your spouse on their lunch break or make a flirty post about them on social media, the flirtation is definitely going make some sparks fly, so why not give it a try… in the name of love!

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Benjamin Lartey


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