
October 5th , 2024



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2 years ago


' GNPC PC to burn through $5m on decommissioning of Saltpond field' - Edward Bawa charges

An individual from the Mines and Energy Committee of Parliament, Edward Bawa, claims the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC) is intending to employ a consultancy firm to embrace the decommissioning of the Saltpond Field.


According to this, he, will cost the Corporation more than $5 million, albeit an in-house specialized group comprised by the organization is attempted a similar undertaking for nothing.


As indicated by him, the nation could be confronting one more judgment obligation if GNPC, under the authority of its acting Managing Director, Opoku Ahweneeh Danquah, goes on to draw in this new Project Management Consultant.


"GNPC considered the recruiting of a Project Management Consultant for the decommissioning. For sure, an offering cycle was finished and a consultancy firm was obtained with endorsement from the Public Procurement Authority (PPA).


"Anyway in a notice to the workplace of the previous CEO of the Corporation, Dr K.K. Sarpong, the undertaking group made sense of that a great deal of the work had been done by the in-house project group and the leftover positions can similarly be executed in-house. This in-house conveyance will save the Corporation more than $5 million.


GNPC denies delaying decommissioning date of Saltpong rig


"For sure right now, around 70% of the work has been finished by the in-house specialized group comprised of Alex Kwarteng (General Manager, Projects) and Albert Langdon-Nyewan (Deputy Manager, Reservoir). The chose organization was, in this manner, swayed to permit the GNPC to use in-house skill to play out the undertaking," Edward Bawa said in an explanation.


The Bongo lawmaker communicated shock at why Mr Ahweneeh Danquah who went about as Deputy CEO responsible for Technical Operations couldn't follow prior arrangements however decided to recruit an alternate organization.


He focused on that "this unnecessary use" will be hindered during a work program hearing scheduled for Tuesday, July 5.


"The inquiry is, what is the inspiration for this line of activity? One thing is sure - GNPC is planning to burn through $5 million on an action that is being finished by an in-house specialized group.


"Furthermore, the first organization that was obtained for the Project Management Consultancy would sue for acquisition extortion and the nation could be confronting one more judgment obligation.


"During a period that the nation is examining going to the International Monetary Fund for help, GNPC can't stand to be inefficient," Edward Bawa contended.


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Marfo Shadrack


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