
February 28th , 2025



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Social Skills Mastering 


A successful startup is the result of effective communication between many stakeholders, from investors and partners to mentors and employees. So the way you talk to people chiefly influences your success. 


To establish meaningful connections with others, you need to hone your social skills. Therefore, we’ve collected a list of perfect reads to boost your communication abilities. 


How to Speak So People Really Listen: The Straight-Talking Guide to Communicating with Influence and Impact — Paul McGee


Knowledge, high IQ, experience — all this is not enough to succeed. You need to be able to convey your ideas and feel confident during difficult conversations. The book puts emphasis on the mistakes that we make when talking to people. 


In addition, there are loads of interesting stories and as much food for thought so you learn to communicate by concrete examples. 


Shyness: What It Is, What to Do About It — Philip G. Zimbardo 


To pitch your ideas well and persuade people to do what you want, you should be bold enough. Shyness is one of the main challenges founders have to constantly overcome on their path to success. 


The author is a well-known American social psychologist, the founder of the famous Stanford prison experiment. In his books, you will see only a scientific approach and accurate statistics instead of abstract reasoning. 


Zimbardo views shyness as an individual way of responding to emotions. And in order to cope with your insecurities, he offers a set of specific tips and exercises.


How to Talk to Absolutely Anyone: Confident Communication in Every Situation — Mark Rhodes


Experiencing tension when talking is natural. The main thing is to be able to get over it. This is exactly what Rhodes writes about — how to deal with fears and barriers, start a conversation, gain confidence, and get rid of the rejection feeling. 


This is an eye-opening book about the problems of modern communication, providing practical recommendations.


Talking to ‘Crazy’: How to Deal with the Irrational and Impossible People in Your Life — Mark Goulston 


It’s one thing to talk to professionals and another to deal with fools. Sometimes such communication can be truly unbearable. 


And don't be confused by the title of the book. It addresses a category of people with an irrational and dishonest style of communication. You can't build a meaningful dialogue with them.


Mark Goulston, a business psychiatrist in, offers a set of hands-on techniques: 14 ways to communicate with psychos, 8 ways to cope with insanity in personal life and, of course, recommendations for working on ourselves. After all, we also sometimes lose our temper and may act irrationally. 


Just Listen: Discover the Secret to Getting Through to Absolutely Anyone — Mark Goulston


To reach efficient communication, you need not only to talk well, but also to listen. 


Conversation is not so much the talent to express your thoughts eloquently, as the ability to listen and feel the interlocutor. Everyone likes to be heard and sometimes this is what brings you success.


This skill helps people feel more comfortable and confident. The main secret of communication is very simple — when you listen to another person, they will be willing to listen to you.


Which book have you read or would like to? 

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Kingsley Afreh


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