
June 14th , 2024



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High lack of vitamin D among Ghanaians - KNUST researchers

It has become typical for the common Ghanaian to flaunt the sun's commitment to supply him everyday portion of vitamin D.


In any case, it is arising that we misjudged the glare of the yellow circle.


An examination by the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology has found lack of vitamin D is high among Ghana's grown-up populace regardless of the bountiful daylight.


The review is distributed in the 2021 release of Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism.


Vitamin D is significant for the ordinary working of the body.


It is delivered through skin openness to daylight and from food ate.


In spite of the fact that Ghana is situated in the jungles where daylight is plentiful, factors like culture, diet, skin pigmentation, among others can impact the advancement of vitamin D usage.


The researchers, drove by Dr. Samuel Sakyi of the Department of Molecular Medicine, looked to gauge the connection between daylight openness and vitamin D status in 3 geological parts among solid Ghanaian populace.


The specialists selected 500 sound blood givers somewhere in the range of 17 and 55 years.


The investigation discovered that the general inadequacy was 43.6 percent.


They again observed that there was low information about vitamin D food varieties for those in danger of lack of vitamin D.


The specialists exhorted that there is the need to increment information on vitamin D and the day to day measurements expected for sound living.


"We ought to put forth cognizant attempts to stroll in the sun and take exclusively vitamin D containers.


"We ought to widen the review to have a huge information to know the genuine degree of lack of vitamin D," he suggested.


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Marfo Shadrack


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