
July 3rd , 2024


Ghana Boy

A year ago


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A year ago

Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi laid out three points of concern for the Ukraine crisis during a meeting with India's foreign minister on Thursday, which was followed by a meeting with Russian diplomats during the ongoing G20 foreign ministers' meeting. China opposes using the crisis to instigate a Cold War mentality, comparing the Ukraine crisis with the Taiwan question and China is against unilateral sanctions imposed on China and other countries using the crisis as an excuse, Wang said. During a meeting with Indian External Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar on Thursday, Wang said that faced with an increasingly complex situation and its challenges, the world needs solidarity rather than division, and needs dialogue rather than confrontation. China opposes any act of instigating a Cold War mentality and confrontation, and it continues to firmly stand on the right side of history and on the side pushing for peaceful dialogue. China also opposes double standards and any act that damages China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, Wang said. He noted that some countries emphasized the principle of sovereignty on the Ukraine question but constantly challenge China's sovereignty and the one-China principle on the Taiwan question, and this is clearly a double standard. The Chinese senior diplomat said China opposes any intention of bringing the Ukraine crisis together with the Taiwan question and will safeguard China's core interests. Some countries, by using the Ukraine crisis as an excuse, imposed unilateral sanctions on China and other countries, which was unfair and illegitimate, hurting normal interactions between countries and violating international trade rules, Wang said. Such moves also expanded the crisis and made it more complex, which is something all sides should reject. "China's three points of concern clearly show that hegemony is not welcome in handling global affairs, and hegemony is also the essential reason for the prolonged conflict between Russia and Ukraine," a Beijing-based expert on international affairs who preferred not to be named told the Global Times on Thursday. It also signals that the world needs more dialogue rather than the divisions created by the US to show its supremacy, as US hegemony is also the origin of a number of international crises and turmoil today, he said. Unlike the US, which has sought to turn this year's G20 into a chance to isolate Russia, China, along with some emerging powers, has been looking into more opportunities for economic recovery amid the COVID pandemic and other concrete issues that could benefit both sides. Against the backdrop of the US and its allies attempting to contain Russia and China, Russia and China will continue to increase the scope and practical interaction, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said during the meeting with Wang, TASS reported. The position of Russia and China is gaining more support among other countries, in contrast to the openly aggressive policy of the West, which seeks to maintain its privileged position and dominance in global affairs, Lavrov said, noting that the Russian stance is gaining increasing support and appreciation among participants in international relations, according to the Russian media report. The main aim of the US-led Western bloc at the G20 meeting is to further pressure Russia over the Ukraine crisis, as a US official was quoted as saying in a Reuters report on Thursday that "this week's G20 meeting in Bali cannot be business as usual but the US is determined to ensure nothing happens there that can give legitimacy to Russia's 'brutalizing' of Ukraine," after the US, Japan and Germany officials revealed that they would echo the US intention of adding to the pressure on Russia at the meeting. Wang also met diplomats from Indonesia, Argentina and the EU on Thursday morning, Zhao Lijian, spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, told a routine press conference on Thursday afternoon. "Wang is currently meeting with Lavrov, and will have bilateral meetings with those from the US, France, Germany, Spain, Netherlands, Canada, Australia, Singapore and Saudi Arabia later," Zhao said. While Wang and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken are expected to meet at the G20 meeting, the US side is looking to discuss putting up guardrails on the China-US relationship so the competition between the two countries "does not spill over into miscalculation or confrontation," according to the website of the US Mission to ASEAN. Zhao also told the press conference that the three joint communiqués serve as the guardrails of US-China relations, and the US side should abide by the provisions in the documents and the promises it has made to China. As the most consequential bilateral relationship in the world, China-US relations should improve rather than deteriorate, he said.

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Ghana Boy

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