
October 18th , 2024


Shadi Parker

2 years ago


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2 years ago


Pressure bunch OccupyGhana has depicted as disheartening the public authority's choice to look for monetary help from the International Monetary Fund (IMF).


In a proclamation, the gathering noticed that this move goes against the much-promoted 'Ghana past Aid' the occupant organization engenders.


Last week, the Akufo-Addo government made a conventional statement of its aim to connect with the IMF for a measure of $2 billion to help a program.


Ghana's re-visitation of IMF is a failure - OccupyGhana

Be that as it may, OccupyGhana accepts Ghana loses a gigantic lump of its income to theft and misappropriation.


Hence, the nation "wouldn't require the IMF assuming the public authority doesn't joke around about recuperating these lost and taken monies, and afterward stopping the openings that permitted them to be lost or taken in any case."


Ghana's re-visitation of IMF is a failure - OccupyGhana

"To that end this re-visitation of the IMF for a 'miserable' $2 billion leaves a severe desire for our mouths. We wouldn't submit ourselves to this constrained and embarrassing 'Ghana [is not yet] past guide' position assuming we had forestalled the misfortunes and robberies in any case. In the subsequent spot, we wouldn't be here assuming we had made the basic strides of recuperating the monies lost and taken," portions of the assertion read.


Ghana's re-visitation of IMF is a mistake - OccupyGhana

The gathering further tested, "How valid is this re-visitation of the IMF, when the monies we look for, sit serenely in the financial balances and pockets of the people who made us lose the monies or who took our monies?


Ghana's re-visitation of IMF is a mistake - OccupyGhana

On the rear of this, the gathering charged the Auditor-General and Attorney-General Departments to take up their job obediently by guaranteeing that taken public monies are recuperated for the advantage and development of the country.


"A country that won't forestall or recuperate its lost and taken monies, will continue to make return outings to the IMF," it focused.

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Shadi Parker

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