
October 18th , 2024


Shadi Parker

2 years ago


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2 years ago


President Akufo-Addo has engaged striking instructors to get back to the homeroom forthcoming the result of discussions with the public authority on their interest for a 20 percent Cost of Living Allowance (COLA).


In the soul of penance, at the current year's Eid-ul-Adha festivity, the President begged the educators to return to the homeroom, as government and Organized Labor attempted to arrive at a center way on their interest.


"I need to add my voice to the interest for the educators to get back to study halls forthcoming the result of exchange with government so the schooling of our youngsters, some of whom are planning to sit their end of the year tests isn't impacted," President Akufo-Addo said, when he joined Islamic dependable at the Independence Square in Accra to observe Eid-ul-Adha, the dining experience of the penance.


Four educator associations on Monday, July 4, 2022, pronounced an endless cross country strike to squeeze home their interest for the Government to pay a 20 percent COLA considering increasing cost for most everyday items in the country.


However, the Government and Organized Labor met on Friday, July 8, 2022, and consented to start dealings on July 12, 2022, on the instructors' interest.


The President said the world is in a troublesome spot and all should make the required penance to conquer the ongoing monetary difficulties.


He said: "We are in a troublesome spot, the world is in a troublesome spot, pioneers all over the planet like we are doing here in Ghana are working diligently to determine the basic difficulties that have dove the world into the ongoing monetary condition in which it tracks down itself."


President Akufo-Addo expressed government on its part is making penances and has decreased the pay rates of all political nominees by 30%, as well as the optional uses of Ministries, Department and Agencies.


"We as a whole need to make a penance to manage the cost of us the space to explore the disturbed waters of the flow monetary challenges," he said.


President Akufo-Addo approached Muslims in Ghana to bury the hatchet with themselves as well as other people, expressing, "just in doing so will we accomplish our point of making Ghana extraordinary and solid."


He said Islam implies harmony and accommodation to the desire of Allah, thus, "let us on this day bury the hatchet with ourselves and our kindred people and cling tightly to the rope that Allah has joined us with, the rope of Ghana."


Public Chief Imam, Shiekh Usman Nuhu Sharabutu encouraged Muslims not to lose confidence and confidence in Allah even as the nation goes through the ongoing monetary test.


"The Almighty Allah has approaches to getting things done, and as a group, we should not lose trust as a country but rather accept that Allah will reinforce us as he did to Abraham when he mentioned the penance of his child Ismael, the Chief Imam said.


The Chief Iman petitioned God for divine insight for the President and the public authority in managing the current difficulties.


He further appealed to God for public harmony, union, flourishing and advancement.

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Shadi Parker

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