
June 2nd , 2024


Amos Aboagye

A year ago


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A year ago

Primary five pupil found dead in goat pen.


An 11-year-old girl is found dead in a goat pen at Low cost in the Sefwi-Wiawso Municipality of the Western North Region.

The deceased, identified as Comfort Otubea Larbi, was a primary five pupil of Morning Glory school.


The body has been deposited at the Wiawso Government morgue for preservation and autopsy.


Mr. Godfred Baah-Dwase, Municipal Social Welfare officer of Sefwi-Wiawso, who confirmed the story to the Ghana News Agency, said it happened on Thursday, July 7, 2022, between 1530 and 1630 hours.


He said when the deceased returned from school, she usually tidied the goat pen, and assisted her stepmother, Madam Priscilla Adjei, to prepare dinner for the family and complete her homework before retiring to bed.


Mr. Baah-Dwase said on that fateful day (Comfort) proceeded to the goat pen which was about three metres away from their house to put the place in order.

About 20 minutes later, there was no sign of her, so the stepmother peeped through the window and spotted her kneeling.


He said when Madam Adjei got closer to find out what the deceased was doing, she found a rope around her neck and started shouting to alert neighbours, and an eyewitness who was passing by rushed her to the Wiawso government hospital but was pronounced dead.


"When l went to the mortuary and inspected the body, there was no blood, foaming, or rope markings. I learnt a similar incident happened a month ago, but it was not reported to my office".


Mr. Baah-Dwase said the case was reported to the Wiawso District Police Command to help reveal the circumstances surrounding the death of the deceased.


read also: Accra RCC directs advertisers to pull down billboards of NPP national election candidates.

NPP to hold national elections

NPP directs candidates to pull down billboards


NPP national elections slated for July 15-17


The Greater Accra Regional Security Council has directed outdoor advertisers within the jurisdiction to pulldown all adverts mounted for candidates contesting in the upcoming national executives election of the ruling New Patriotic Party.


According to a notice served to the members of the Advertising Association of Ghana signed by the president, Francis Dadzie, members have up to 24 hours to pulldown all outdoor adverts of the candidates.

The directive according to the notice includes adverts with and without permits.


“The Regional Security Council has directed me to inform all members who have flighted any of the candidates for the NPP National Elections should remove such adverts within the Next 24 hours, failure to do so will compel the council to remove the whole structure whether you have permit or not. This is for your compliance without fail,” portions of the notice said.


Meanwhile, the planning committee of the NPP has asked all candidates to remove all billboards they have mounted in the capital city, where the national executives election will be held between July 15 to 17, 2022.


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Amos Aboagye


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