
January 1st , 2025


Gh Blogger

2 years ago


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6. Remove Stubborn Grease 


 Your mild cleaning solution should remove some of the grease that builds up on your cabinets, but there are a few options for tougher build-ups. Clean My Space relies on a commercial enzyme cleaner to remove fatty deposits. And for a homemade fix, This Old House recommends making a smooth paste out of one part baking soda and two parts water. Leave it on the affected area for a few minutes and then wipe it off.7. Remove kibble 


 In a perfect world, you would catch every drop of food that lands on your cupboard in real time. Finally, removing food stains promptly is the best way to ensure they don't penetrate the surface of your cabinet, especially if it's made of a porous material. If you notice a stain later (or much later), Better Homes and Gardens recommends making a paste of baking soda, letting it sit for a few minutes, then wiping it off with a damp cloth. 


 8Removing Stains from Cabinets 


 Baking soda is also a miracle cure when it comes to stains on your kitchen cabinets. According to South West Kitchen, mix the simple solution of one part baking soda and two parts water and scrub gently with a soft-bristled toothbrush or damp sponge. Leave it on the stained area for a few minutes before wiping it off. Bob Vila also suggests wiping the area dry when you're done. 


 9Clean water stains 


 White water stains may appear on the surface of kitchen cabinets after cleaning. According to Hunker, they appear when moisture seeps into the case's surface, but thankfully there are some proven methods for removing them. They recommend applying mayonnaise (yes, you read that right!) to the area and leaving it on overnight. White toothpastes have also been known to work if you rub them gently over the watermark.If white spots are persistent, Better Homes and Gardens suggests switching the 

 from tap water to distilled cleaning water to avoid them.

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Gh Blogger

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