
October 18th , 2024


Shadi Parker

2 years ago


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2 years ago

Professional killer might have killed Abe as retribution against strict gathering that bankrupted his mom


Tetsuya Yamagami, the man blamed for killing previous Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, was apparently inspired by his disdain of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, otherwise called the Unification Church.


Individuals from the Unification Church are at times alluded to by a disparaging idiom got from the name of the gathering's organizer — the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, who believed himself to be the second happening to Christ.


Japanese police have said that Yamagami let them know he was inspired by animosity toward the strict gathering he faulted for his mom's monetary ruin, while a Tokyo-put together delegate affirmed with respect to Sunday that Yamagami's mom was an individual from the congregation.


Abe didn't have a place with the Unification Church, however he gave paid talks at chapel related occasions, and Unificationists framed a solid democratic coalition for Abe's Liberal Democratic Party.


Abe showed up at an occasion facilitated by an association partnered with the congregation last September where he conveyed a discourse lauding the offshoot's work towards tranquility on the Korean landmass, as per the congregation's site.


Yamagami accepted Abe had elevated the strict gathering to which his mom made a "gigantic gift", Kyodo news office has said, refering to insightful sources.


Tomihiro Tanaka, leader of the Japan part of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, known as the Unification Church, told correspondents at a preparation in Tokyo that Yamagami's mom was an individual from the congregation. He didn't give her name.


Tanaka declined to remark on her gifts, refering to the continuous police examination.


The congregation has consented to help out police examinations.


Yamagami's mom previously joined the congregation around 1998 yet quit going to in a period somewhere in the range of 2009 and 2017, Tanaka said.


Around a long time back she restored correspondence with chapel individuals and in the last half year or so has been going to chapel occasions at a recurrence of about one time per month, he said.


The Unification Church was established in South Korea in 1954 by Sun Myung Moon, a self-proclaimed savior and shrill enemy of socialist. It has acquired worldwide media consideration for its mass weddings where it weds great many couples all at once.


Moon, who talked familiar Japanese, sent off an enemy of socialist political mission in Japan from late 1960s and constructed relations with Japanese lawmakers, as per the congregation's distributions.

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Shadi Parker

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