
October 18th , 2024


Shadi Parker

2 years ago


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2 years ago

NAGRAT strike go on notwithstanding Akufo-Addo's

The National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT) won't cancel its strike notwithstanding President Akufo-Addo's supplication.


Talking on The Probe on Sunday, NAGRAT's orientation organizer, Rebecca Ocran Abaidoo, said that the affiliation was glad to have been welcomed for exchanges on Tuesday yet kept up with that the affiliation was still protesting.


"We are confident that we would have something unmistakable to ship off our majority so we would cancel the strike. (Be that as it may, We are still protesting and we have not canceled the strike," she said.


Lady Abaidoo made sense of that despite the fact that the President had approached them to get back to the homeroom, there was a requirement for more extensive meetings with initiative and individuals from NAGRAT.


That's what she expressed "we simply didn't show up at this position", thus the strike can't be arbitrarily canceled.


"We have heard His Excellency yet we really want to counsel our majority," she said.


On Monday, every one of the four pre-tertiary educator associations pronounced a cross country strike requesting a 20% Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) since high expansion, cost of fuel, labor and products have disintegrated their pay rates.


Following the strike, President Akufo-Addo encouraged striking educators to get back to work forthcoming the result of progressing discussions.


Talking at the current year's Eid-ul-Adha public petitions, he noticed that the alarming monetary circumstance the nation is encountering is to such an extent that each resident, particularly coordinated work would need to make a few penances.


In the mean time, the Public Sector Workers Union (PSWU) is likewise begging the public authority to regard their call for help in the midst of the ongoing financial emergency in Ghana.


Likewise talking on The Probe, the General Secretary of PSWU, Bernard Adjei, noticed that specialists are battling, thus their interest for a cost for most everyday items recompense.


"We accept that we can constantly assemble ourselves and honor the interest of laborers since things continue to deteriorate continuously. How long could laborers at any point endure this? All we are asking just is that pad laborers, things are hard."

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Shadi Parker

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