
October 19th , 2024


Mary Marfo

2 years ago


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Assessment 4 hours prior

Prof. Raphael Nyarkotey Obu: Plantain brings down Blood Pressure - Why your mom was correct?

One intriguing subject that was raised as of late after my article on cassava fufu was whether plantain ought to overwhelm. Likely, the defenders could be correct. Be that as it may, I would attempt to respond to this inquiry in this article.


On the whole Plantain has been utilized as a Naturopathic solution for years universally. For example, one concentrate by Arun et al.(2015) found that flour can be gotten from plantain strip. The flour from the strip was viewed as an excellent wellspring of cell reinforcement dietary fiber and can be utilized to make treats.


Also, Dr. Hatchet in his plantain article in 2022 additionally viewed that as:


The blossoms of the plantain are ordinarily utilized as food in nations like Vietnam, Laos, and the Philippines. The male blossoms that sprout toward the finish of the shoot don't all develop to natural product. The blossoms are involved on servings of mixed greens or crude in vermicelli soup. There is likewise a kind of dry curry called poriyal made in South India from plantain blossoms.

The leaves are additionally not forgotten about as they have been utilized oftentimes on the grounds that they are bigger and more grounded than banana leaves. Thus, they typically involved them as food coverings to acquire a more grounded smell and flavor during cooking and planning, and there are different varieties of wrapping. In Ghana, we utilized them to wrap Waakye, Banku, and some more. I do recall, it is utilized as plates in the towns when we go to ranches those days.

Plantain shoots are likewise collected after the organic product. The layers of the plant can be taken out like an onion and slashed, which are then added to servings of mixed greens and can be utilized to make wet or dry curries. Plantain shoot is known for its capacity to alleviate obstruction, as it's loaded up with fiber.

The juice from the shoot is additionally known by local people to assist with infirmities like snake chomps, kidney stones, and stomach ulcers. The filaments from the shoots are likewise utilized as a meshing material and can be made into carpets, mats, and wrapping papers.

Nourishing Content


Strangely, the wholesome items contrast in view of whether crude or cooked. For example, as per the U.S. Division of Agriculture, to be gotten to at www., one cup (around 148 grams) of crude plantain has:


181 calories

47.2 grams carbs

1.9 grams protein

0.5 grams fat

3.4 grams fiber

27.2 milligrams L-ascorbic acid (45% DV-Daily worth)

1,668 worldwide vitamin A (33 percent)

0.4 milligram vitamin B6 (22%)

739 milligrams potassium (21%)

55 milligrams magnesium (14%)

32.6 micrograms folate (8% DV)

0.1 milligrams copper (6% DV)

0..1 milligrams thiamine (5% DV)

0.1 milligrams riboflavin (5% DV)

1 milligrams niacin (5% DV)

0.9 milligrams iron (5%)

50.3 milligrams phosphorus (5% DV)

0.4 milligrams pantothenic corrosive (4% DV)

Dietary substance, Cooked


At the point when cooked, the dietary benefit changes. For this situation, that one cup (around 200 grams) of cooked, squashed plantains has :


232 calories

62.3 grams carbs

1.6 grams protein

0.4 gram fat

4.6 grams fiber

1,818 worldwide units vitamin A (36 percent)

21.8 milligrams L-ascorbic acid (36%)

930 milligrams potassium (27%)

0.5 milligram vitamin B6 (24%)

64 milligrams magnesium (16%)

52 micrograms folate (13% DV)

1.5 milligrams niacin (8% DV)

0.1 milligrams copper (7% DV)

1.2 milligrams iron (6%)

0.1 milligrams thiamine (6% DV)

0.1 milligrams riboflavin (6% DV)

56 milligrams phosphorus (6% DV)

0.5 milligrams pantothenic corrosive (5% DV)

2.8 micrograms selenium (4% DV)

Note the potassium content in crude and cooked plantain:


739 milligrams potassium (21%)- crude plantain

930 milligrams potassium (27%)- cooked plantain

Additionally, note the magnesium content in crude and cooked plantain:


55 milligrams magnesium (14%)- crude

64 milligrams magnesium (16%)- cooked

Potassium and Magnesium assume a key part in hypertension the executives. Comparing this to cassava in the wake of cooking:


 Cassava has 558 milligrams of potassium (16% DV) while plantain has 739milligrams (21% DV).

Cassava has 43.3 milligrams of magnesium (11% DV) while plantain has 64 milligrams of magnesium (16%).

Why your Mother was Right


The promoter of more plantain for fufu is because of the great potassium content when contrasted with cassava. The high Potassium content is inferred when the Plantain is cooked. So you could help it more in the fufu. The material reality is that Potassium Intake diminishes blood Pressure(Ellison and Terker, 2015).


In any case, taking a gander at the distinction, it changes nothing. Other than cassava enjoys other added benefits because of the safe starch content.


Blended Study on Glycemic list in Plantain.


Additionally, Ogbuji et al.(2013) found that the normal glycemic list for ready plantain is 54.6 and 45.3 for unripe plantain. They additionally noticed that the glycemic file values for broiled, bubbled and simmered ready plantain are 56,54 and 55 individually.


one concentrate by Kouamé et al.(2017) in Côte d'Ivoire found plantain chips to have a GI of 45 which is inside the low range(refer to my past article on GI). The review didn't uphold consuming Banane braisée(Charcoal - cooked light green stage plantain) which has a GI of 89 and utilizes the broiling technique. The other cooking strategy for plantain, for example, chips utilized profound broiling with significant fixings being salt, and refined palm oil.


A past report by Ayodele and Godwin(2010) in Nigeria tracked down no contrast between bubbled plantain (Bp), broiled plantain (Fp), cooked plantain (Rp), bubbled and beat plantain (BPp), and plantain flour. The investigation discovered that simmered plantain gave the most reduced glycemic record and the worth was essentially lower than the other test food varieties.


Plantain, Science


Stacked with Potassium


From the review, it is apparent that plantain contains 913 milligrams of potassium in one cup of cooked, crushed plantains. This is around 27% of the suggested day to day measure of potassium, this gives plantains a benefit over cassava and makes it one of the most potassium-rich food varieties on the earth.


Dr. Hatchet makes sense of that Potassium is the third-most bountiful mineral in the body, however when exhausted, low potassium can influence the capability of a few organs and cycles.


As an electrolyte, potassium is impacted earnestly by how much sodium in the body. Potassium is basic in controlling circulatory strain since it counters sodium. Because of the great sodium items in sodium in our quick food sources, plantain is one of the critical food sources to assist us with expanding our potassium level in our body to balance out circulatory strain.


He and MacGregor(2008) investigation discovered that potassium contents additionally influence skeletal and smooth muscle constriction, which takes into consideration ordinary stomach related and solid capability. Potassium what's more backings heart musicality, and studies show that individuals who consume counts calories with high potassium levels have a diminished gamble of stroke, osteoporosis, and kidney illness.


Upholds Digestive Health


Cooked Plantain likewise contained 4.6 grams of fiber. Fiber upholds the stomach related framework, thus, plantains add mass to food admission and help processing. For example, one concentrate by Anderson et al.(2009) observed that a sinewy rich eating routine, for example, ready plantains is a significant pathway to battle clogging and gives help from hemorrhoids and stomach related conditions like diverticulitis. Fiber counts calories likewise support weight the board. Dissolvable fiber additionally brings down cholesterol and circulatory strain, which forestalls coronary illness and balances out glucose.


Safe Support


L-ascorbic acid is a cell reinforcement that battles free extreme harm. Concentrates on uncovered that plantains have north of 35% of the day to day worth of L-ascorbic acid. This makes plantain one of the most incredible L-ascorbic acid food varieties to eat. Likewise, Plantain is stacked with 36% of the everyday worth of vitamin An and helps the body. Vitamin An and C help the invulnerable framework and battle illnesses.


Mind Health


Plantains additionally can give you 24% of your everyday worth of vitamin B6. This significant nutrient backings the mind. Makes serotonin and norepinephrine, and thus set temperaments in a steady position, and melatonin, which controls the body's clock.


This nutrient in plantains is one of the eight B nutrients that guide in handling food into energy and utilizing fats. Like vitamin A, B6 additionally eases back the beginning of eye sicknesses like macular degeneration. B6 and B12 cooperate to produce red platelets and cells in the resistant framework and furthermore battle rheumatoid joint pain.




Quick food sources influence our magnesium levels including poor farming practices. This regardless, Plantains can give around 16% of our everyday magnesium. This is huge in light of the fact that magnesium influences north of 300 biochemical responses in the body.


Magnesium contents control circulatory strain and backing osteoporosis and numerous others. Also, Paunier's (1992) investigation discovered that magnesium straightforwardly influences calcium assimilation, which can deflect or turn around osteoporosis.


Magnesium likewise diminishes the gamble of getting type 2 diabetes by controlling blood glucose levels by means of sugar digestion and insulin guideline. One concentrate by Abbasi et al.(2012) found that magnesium assists with headache migraines, a sleeping disorder, and melancholy.


Plantain v Banana


Bananas and plantains are the two natural products that come from similar group of plants. However they resemble the other the same, they have totally different flavor profiles. Plantains are starchier than bananas and not extremely sweet when green. When ready, they are better and become all the more so when cooked. Plantains can be bubbled, heated, or seared. They share some dietary and wellbeing advancing characteristics as well. A concentrate by Pereira and Maraschin (2014) tracked down that both offer a comparative nourishing profile. Be that as it may, Plantain's healthful profile supplants Banana( Pereira and Maraschin. 2014) and the U.

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Mary Marfo

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